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1940년대 동아시아 지역주의의 세 유형과 한국

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dc.description.abstractThis paper seeks to consider the various types of regionalisms in East Asiaduring the 1940’s, and Korea’s position in the United States’ “Great China Policy”and demilitarization and democratization plans for Japan. After World War II,although aspects of regionalism were formed by the Cold War in East Asia, theregional structure of Northeast Asia was originally formed from the ‘turn of thecentury’ through the Asian Pacific War. From the beginning of the 1940’s, Japanpromoted the idea of a “Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere” in order tojustify its hegemonic position in the East Asian regional order. In addition, theUnited States and Japan’s readjustment plans appeared to be related to strategiesregarding the regional order of East Asia. During World War II, the victorious U.S. had already become one of theworld’s superpowers and by principle, collaboration between the superpowers(United States, Great Britain, China, and the Soviet Union) revealed an initiativefor a four country police state. Japan devised a survival strategy in the case of itsdefeat. During the war in the early 1940’s, these policies and plans were used torecognize Großraum around the East Asian region. This paper points out thesignificance of the 1940’s and the continuity between the awareness of thewartime situation and the prospective situation during the postwar period. During the 1940’s, three forms of regionalism in East Asia appeared. The firstwas Japan’s regional hegemony over the East Asian regional order. In order topreserve regional hegemony, Imperial Japan gave specific meaning to Korea as anextension of its own economy. The second is based on the United States as anoffshore hegemonic power, which chose China as a subordinate partner withinEast Asia and used the division of labor through sub-horizontal industry based onan initiative to suppress Japan. In order to weaken the economic dominance ofJapanese Empire, the United States tried to sever the economic relationshipbetween Korea and Japan. The third is based on the United States choice of Japan as a subordinate partnerwithin the region as the Cold War spread through East Asia, and as a way tocreate regional economic integration, using a division of labor through verticalindustry. Although the plan was to partially introduce the first form, placing themunder the control of Japan within East Asia’s Cold War was a way to secure theirown territory. Under this plan and under the control of the United States, Korea’seconomic unification with Japan became the target of regulation. In the first form,due to the division of the Cold War in East Asia, the collapse of the utilizedindustrial linkage structures created the need for a new re-ordering of the regionalorder, which decisively influenced the regulation of Korea’s position in the EastAsian region.-
dc.publisher고려대학교 한국사연구소-
dc.title1940년대 동아시아 지역주의의 세 유형과 한국-
dc.title.alternativeEast Asian Regionalisms and Korea in the 1940’s-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationInternational Journal of Korean History, v.19, no.1, pp.101 - 125-
dc.relation.isPartOfInternational Journal of Korean History-
dc.citation.titleInternational Journal of Korean History-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorEast Asian Regionalism-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorthe Great East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere-
dc.subject.keywordAuthoreconomic Naisen-ittairon-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorAmerican Plan for Postwar in wartime-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorPauley Reparation Mission-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorgovernment-to-government trade-
dc.subject.keywordAuthor동아시아 지역주의-
dc.subject.keywordAuthor경제적 내선일체론-
dc.subject.keywordAuthor전시기 미국의 전후구상-
dc.subject.keywordAuthor폴리 배상사절단-
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