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Nuclear Modification of psi ', chi(c), and J/psi Production in d plus Au Collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

Adare, A.Aidala, C.Ajitanand, N. N.Akiba, Y.Al-Bataineh, H.Alexander, J.Angerami, A.Aoki, K.Apadula, N.Aramaki, Y.Atomssa, E. T.Averbeck, R.Awes, T. C.Azmoun, B.Babintsev, V.Bai, M.Baksay, G.Baksay, L.Barish, K. N.Bassalleck, B.Basye, A. T.Bathe, S.Baublis, V.Baumann, C.Bazilevsky, A.Belikov, S.Belmont, R.Bennett, R.Bhom, J. H.Blau, D. S.Bok, J. S.Boyle, K.Brooks, M. L.Buesching, H.Bumazhnov, V.Bunce, G.Butsyk, S.Campbell, S.Caringi, A.Chen, C-HChi, C. Y.Chiu, M.Choi, I. J.Choi, J. B.Choudhury, R. K.Christiansen, P.Chujo, T.Chung, P.Chvala, O.Cianciolo, V.Citron, Z.Cole, B. A.del Valle, Z. ConesaConnors, M.Csanad, M.Csoergo, T.Dahms, T.Dairaku, S.Danchev, I.Das, K.Datta, A.David, G.Dayananda, M. K.Denisov, A.Deshpande, A.Desmond, E. J.Dharmawardane, K. V.Dietzsch, O.Dion, A.Donadelli, M.Drapier, O.Drees, A.Drees, K. A.Durham, J. M.Durum, A.Dutta, D.D'Orazio, L.Edwards, S.Efremenko, Y. V.Ellinghaus, F.Engelmore, T.Enokizono, A.En'yo, H.Esumi, S.Fadem, B.Fields, D. E.Finger, M.Finger, M., Jr.Fleuret, F.Fokin, S. L.Fraenkel, Z.Frantz, J. E.Franz, A.Frawley, A. D.Fujiwara, K.Fukao, Y.Fusayasu, T.Garishvili, I.Glenn, A.Gong, H.Gonin, M.Goto, Cassagnac, R. GranierGrau, N.Greene, S. V.Grim, G.Perdekamp, M. GrosseGunji, T.Gustafsson, H-AHaggerty, J. S.Hahn, K. I.Hamagaki, H.Hamblen, J.Han, R.Hanks, J.Haslum, E.Hayano, R.He, X.Heffner, M.Hemmick, T. K.Hester, T.Hill, J. C.Hohlmann, M.Holzmann, W.Homma, K.Hong, B.Horaguchi, T.Hornback, D.Huang, S.Ichihara, T.Ichimiya, R.Ikeda, Y.Imai, K.Inaba, M.Isenhower, D.Ishihara, M.Issah, M.Ivanischev, D.Iwanaga, Y.Jacak, B. V.Jia, J.Jiang, X.Jin, J.Johnson, B. M.Jones, T.Joo, K. S.Jouan, D.Jumper, D. S.Kajihara, F.Kamin, J.Kang, J. H.Kapustinsky, J.Karatsu, K.Kasai, M.Kawall, D.Kawashima, M.Kazantsev, A. V.Kempel, T.Khanzadeev, A.Kijima, K. M.Kikuchi, J.Kim, A.Kim, B. I.Kim, D. J.Kim, E-JKim, Y-JKinney, E.Kiss, A.Kistenev, E.Kleinjan, D.Kochenda, L.Komkov, B.Konno, M.Koster, J.Kral, A.Kravitz, A.Kunde, G. J.Kurita, K.Kurosawa, M.Kwon, Y.Kyle, G. S.Lacey, R.Lai, Y. S.Lajoie, J. G.Lebedev, A.Lee, D. M.Lee, J.Lee, K. B.Lee, K. S.Leitch, M. J.Leite, M. A. L.Li, X.Lichtenwalner, P.Liebing, P.Levy, L. A. LindenLiska, T.Liu, H.Liu, M. X.Love, B.Lynch, D.Maguire, C. F.Makdisi, Y. I.Malik, M. D.Manko, V. I.Mannel, E.Mao, Y.Masui, H.Matathias, F.McCumber, M.McGaughey, P. L.McGlinchey, D.Means, N.Meredith, B.Miake, Y.Mibe, T.Mignerey, A. C.Miki, K.Milov, A.Mitchell, J. T.Mohanty, A. K.Moon, H. J.Morino, Y.Morreale, A.Morrison, D. P.Moukhanova, T. V.Murakami, T.Murata, J.Nagamiya, S.Nagle, J. L.Naglis, M.Nagy, M. I.Nakagawa, I.Nakamiya, Y.Nakamura, K. R.Nakamura, T.Nakano, K.Nam, S.Newby, J.Nguyen, M.Nihashi, M.Nouicer, R.Nyanin, A. S.Oakley, C.O'Brien, E.Oda, S. X.Ogilvie, C. A.Oka, M.Okada, K.Onuki, Y.Oskarsson, A.Ouchida, M.Ozawa, K.Pak, R.Pantuev, V.Papavassiliou, V.Park, I. H.Park, S. K.Park, W. J.Pate, S. F.Pei, H.Peng, J-CPereira, H.Perepelitsa, D.Peressounko, D. Yu.Petti, R.Pinkenburg, C.Pisani, R. P.Proissl, M.Purschke, M. L.Qu, H.Rak, J.Ravinovich, I.Read, K. F.Rembeczki, S.Reygers, K.Riabov, V.Riabov, Y.Richardson, E.Roach, D.Roche, G.Rolnick, S. D.Rosati, M.Rosen, C. A.Rosendahl, S. S. E.Ruzicka, P.Sahlmueller, B.Saito, N.Sakaguchi, T.Sakashita, K.Samsonov, V.Sano, S.Sato, T.Sawada, S.Sedgwick, K.Seele, J.Seidl, R.Seto, R.Sharma, D.Shein, I.Shibata, T-AShigaki, K.Shimomura, M.Shoji, K.Shukla, P.Sickles, A.Silva, C. L.Silvermyr, D.Silvestre, C.Sim, K. S.Singh, B. K.Singh, C. P.Singh, V.Slunecka, M.Soltz, R. A.Sondheim, W. E.Sorensen, S. P.Sourikova, I. V.Stankus, P. W.Stenlund, E.Stoll, S. P.Sugitate, T.Sukhanov, A.Sziklai, J.Takagui, E. M.Taketani, A.Tanabe, R.Tanaka, Y.Taneja, S.Tanida, K.Tannenbaum, M. J.Tarafdar, S.Taranenko, A.Themann, H.Thomas, D.Thomas, T. L.Togawa, M.Toia, A.Tomasek, L.Torii, H.Towell, R. S.Tserruya, I.Tsuchimoto, Y.Vale, C.Valle, H.van Hecke, H. W.Vazquez-Zambrano, E.Veicht, A.Velkovska, J.Vertesi, R.Virius, M.Vrba, V.Vznuzdaev, E.Wang, X. R.Watanabe, D.Watanabe, K.Watanabe, Y.Wei, F.Wei, R.Wessels, J.White, S. N.Winter, D.Woody, C. L.Wright, R. M.Wysocki, M.Yamaguchi, Y. L.Yamaura, K.Yang, R.Yanovich, A.Ying, J.Yokkaichi, S.You, Z.Young, G. R.Younus, I.Yushmanov, I. E.Zajc, W. A.Zhou, S.
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We present results for three charmonia states (psi' chi(c), and J/ psi) in d + Au collisions at vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.35 and root s(NN) = 200 GeV. We find that the modification of the psi' yield relative to that of the J/ psi scales approximately with charged particle multiplicity at midrapidity across p + A, d + Au, and A + A results from the Super Proton Synchrotron and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. In large-impact-parameter collisions we observe a similar suppression for the psi' and J/ psi, while in small-impact-parameter collisions the more weakly bound psi' is more strongly suppressed. Owing to the short time spent traversing the Au nucleus, the larger psi' suppression in central events is not explained by an increase of the nuclear absorption owing to meson formation time effects.
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College of Science > Department of Physics > 1. Journal Articles


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