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현대중국어 결과보어의 결과성, 타동성과 사동성

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dc.description.abstractIn modern Chinese, there are various types of resultative complements, but there are four ungrammatical examples I mentioned below, so I decided to clarify those four types of resultative complements: ‘買大了’, ‘喝醉了’, ‘灌醉了’, ‘洗乾淨了’. (1) *他買大了衣服。 (2) *他喝醉了啤酒。 (3) *他使我灌醉了。 (4) *衣服洗乾淨了媽媽。 Other scholars already defined the reasons why these sentences are ungrammatical. However, first, I defined the grammatical semantic features of resultativity, transitivity and causativity, and made up criteria, after that, analyzed and explained the reasons with those criteria. Some scholars say that the reason why the example (1) is ungrammatical is that it is ‘a result that is out of expectation’, so it cannot take an object and has to transpose ‘衣服’. ‘買衣服’ is certainly a ‘verb-object’ construction. but in the ‘買大了’ which is the verb compound, there is only shown the modal meaning such as the speaker’s manner of judgement or inconvenience. So the sentence can be interpreted to ‘I bought it, but it’s too big.’ and there is no resultative meaning. Since there is no resultative meaning, it is obvious that there is no transitivity in it and it cannot take an object. Also, in pragmatics’ point of view, as ‘起來’ becomes the condition of explaining modality through grammaticalization, it can cause the object thematization. In line with that, ‘衣服他買大了’, ‘衣服買大了’ or verb copying sentence can be accepted to be a grammatical. The reason why the example (2) is ungrammatical is that ‘酒’ can be placed in the position of object but no other than ‘酒’ can come to that position. Other scholors determined the reason why the ‘他喝醉了酒’ sentence is grammatically correct by using ‘Restrictions of Lexical Selection’, ‘Analogy’, ‘Insertion of 醉 to Separate-combinative Compounds’, ‘RVC Oriented Internal Or External Argument’, ‘Low-Level Saliency’, ‘High-Level Predictability’ methods. But if the sentence is grammatically acceptable, because of the invalid meaning of ‘酒’, it is not possible to explain that ‘酒喝醉了他(the alcohol made him drunk)’ with the definite ‘酒’ has causativizsation. Therefore, in this thesis, I argued through the verification of numerous examples that ‘喝醉’ is surely a ‘verb-object’ construction and ‘喝’ has transitivity, but if ‘喝醉’ becomes a verb compound, it still has resultativity but it loses transitivity. When the ‘喝醉’ is used in the subject-predicate sentence, if there is no transitivity, then there is no causative and disposability. In Chinese that has no inflecxion or causative suffix, it has to use the mechanism of manipulating word orders to give ‘酒’ the causativity. In case of ‘酒喝醉了他’ having the causativity, the sentence also can have transitivity and disposability so that ‘酒把他喝醉了’ can be natural as well. According to Hopper & Thompson’s degree of transitivity table, the example (3) and (4) are the verb compounds having the perfect transitivity. If transitivity level is high as they are, causativity also exists, because transitivity has a similarity with causativity. In the example (3), ‘灌醉’ is a typical causative sentence, since it corresponds with Lakoff’s 10 features of prototypical semantic cause and effect relationship(causativity). Thus, ‘使’ and ‘灌醉’ which are having causativity are overlapped in the sentence. Furthermore, it is deviated from the Gricean Maxims, either. Therefore we can verify the sentence (3) is grammatically incorrect. Finally, the several features of example (4) are not fitted to the Lakoff’s 10 features of prototypical semantic cause and effect relationship(causativity). Besides, ‘衣服’, ‘洗乾淨’, ‘媽媽’ cannot form semantic compositions, so ‘洗乾淨’ has only resultative, transitivity and disposability, except causativity. The structure ‘洗累’ which has the same verb ‘洗’ with ‘洗乾淨’ has all four features-resultativity, transitivity, disposability and causativity. For this reason, we could define that ‘衣服洗累了媽媽’ is a grammatically correct sentence while there is no disposability in the subject- predicate sentence. I would like to take a rain check on the analysis of grammatical semantic features of ‘V+累’, study of the mechanism of causativity formation and the mechanism of producing verb-copy sentence.-
dc.title현대중국어 결과보어의 결과성, 타동성과 사동성-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation중국어문학논집, no.109, pp.35 - 62-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorResultative Complements-
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College of Liberal Arts > Department of Chinese Language and Literature > 1. Journal Articles


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