이연걸(李連杰)의 영화『곽원갑(霍元甲)』과 21세기 중국무술영화의 향방Jet Li’s Huo Yuanjia and the future of Chinese martial arts films in 21st Century
- Other Titles
- Jet Li’s Huo Yuanjia and the future of Chinese martial arts films in 21st Century
- Authors
- 유경철
- Issue Date
- 2014
- Publisher
- 한국중국현대문학학회
- Keywords
- Jet Li; Huo Yuanjia; national hero; Chinese martial arts films; Pingjiang Buxiaosheng
- Citation
- 중국현대문학, no.69, pp 185 - 215
- Pages
- 31
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 중국현대문학
- Number
- 69
- Start Page
- 185
- End Page
- 215
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/133471
- 1225-0716
- Abstract
- The current study examines HuoYuanjia(Fearless), one of Jet Li’sfilms, if it has reflective perspectives toward the Chinese martialarts films in 20th century and has proposed a new vision for thefilms in the next century. In the film, by highlighting theself-destructive aspect of violence, Jet Li suggests that the Chinesemartial arts films have to stay away from the nature ofself-destruction. Through the national hero Huo Yuanjia hereinterpreted in this film, Jet Li demonstrates that the martialarts films in the 21stcentury should seek the embracement of theother countries and making peace with them rather than revengeand destruction.
However, since his claim is established within the concept ofNation-States, it cannot be simply judged to be reliable. This isbecause if China opposes to other countries, his claim can be easilychanged. Thus, what Jet Li had to reflect on is not the violence ofChinese martial arts but the aspect that the violence comes from the nature of being nation-state of China. If this aspectis not takeninto consideration, the Chinese martial arts films has a high riskof being degraded to inland feel-good movies or propaganda films.
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Collections - College of Global Business > Chinese Studies in Division of Global Studies > 1. Journal Articles

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