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조선후기 입양의 확산 추이와 수용 양상

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dc.description.abstractThe Joseon people of the higher social stratum were much concerned about instituting the patriarchal family and establishing the order of kinship from the beginning of the dynasty. Adoption was one example of their efforts to settle down the family succession without much difficulties. In Danseong area of the Gyeongsang province the case of the adoption for family succession could be traced early in the 16th century. However, this new custom was yet to be instituted for the mighty clans until 17th century, and for the rest of the Yangban class until 18th century. Thus, from the 19th century onward, the failure of family succession became very exceptional among the general Yangban class. The adoption for family succession was soon diffused to the people from the middle class who were relatively close to the Yangban class through blood and who could afford another family member. The commoners and the lower class, on the other hand, were not able to follow this new family culture both in social and economic conditions. They needed two strategies: one is to elevate their social position by promoting their Jikyeok(occupational classification), and another is to imitate or adapt the family culture of the Yangban class. The matrimonial process or the successional procedures of the Yangban class was diffused to some of the lower class, and they also adapted the adoption for family succession from the late 18th century onward. The overall soaring number of the adopted sons in the early 19th century was also partly contributed by the adaptation of the adoption by the lower class. In conclusion, the patriarchal family order, which the Yangban class had been institutionalizing for a long period of time, was introduced to some of the lower class who had been successful in obtaining higher social status in the late 18th century, and then the patriarchal family order was gradually spread to the general Korean family system in the 19th century and beyond.-
dc.title조선후기 입양의 확산 추이와 수용 양상-
dc.title.alternativeAdaptation of adoption and its prevalence in the later period of the Joseon Dynasty-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation역사와 현실, no.73, pp 201 - 232-
dc.citation.title역사와 현실-
dc.subject.keywordAuthoradoption for family succession-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorYangban class-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorthe lower class-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorpromotion in the occupational classification-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorimitation and adaptation-
dc.subject.keywordAuthoradoption for family succession-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorYangban class-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorthe lower class-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorpromotion in the occupational classification-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorimitation and adaptation-
dc.subject.keywordAuthor계후 입양-
dc.subject.keywordAuthor직역 상승-
dc.subject.keywordAuthor모방과 수용-
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College of Education > Department of History Education > 1. Journal Articles


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