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노인의 신체활동량과 근력 운동에 따른 고혈압과 대사 관련 요인 관계 분석

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dc.description.abstractPurpose: The purpose of this study is to assess the influence of the amount of physical activity and strength exercise on hypertension and metabolism-related factors of the Korean elderly using KNHNES data. Method: The data were obtained from the KNHNES VI~VIII conducted in 2014~2019. The subjects, a total of 5,059 elderly aged 65 years and older, were classified into three groups based on total physical activity amount and five groups based on strength exercise. The data processor for this study was used as a percentage and mean (M) or standard error (SE) of all measured values. Also, data processor used generalized linear model, chi-square test, and logistic regression analysis. Results: The results of this study are as follows. 1) The differencen imetabolic factors according to the amount of physical activity in the elderly showed that the hig-hintensity physical activity group had lowe r triglyceride levels than the inactive group in the overall group. In the female group, the moderate-intensity and high-intensity physical activity group had a lower triglyceride level than the inactive group. It was found that the fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels were lower in the high-intensity physical activity group than in the inactive group. 2) There was no significant difference among the groups in the risk of hypertension according to the amount of physical activity in the eldeyr.l 3) In total, the MR and HR groups showe d a lower triglyceride level than the N group, and the MR group hsowed a lower HbA1c level than the N group. In the female group, the MR and HR groups showed lower BMI than the N group, and the MR group showed a lower waist circumference than the N group. In addition, the MR group showed lower triglycerides and HbA1c than the N group, and the HR group showed lower LDL-C and fasting blood glucose than the N group. 4) Regarding the risk of hypertension according to physical activity and strength training in the elderly, the risk of hypertension was 0.933 times in the M group, 0.781 times in the H group, 0.590 times in the HR group, and 0.521 times in the MR group than in the N group in the female group. Conclusion: In summary, the findings in this study confirm that the combination of moderate physical activity and strength training twice a week has the lowest risk of high blood pressure and is found to have a positive effect on metabolic factors. Therefore, if moderate-intensity physical activity and strength exercise are combined in the elderly, it is thought that it can help pvreent and manage high blood pressure in th e elderly.-
dc.title노인의 신체활동량과 근력 운동에 따른 고혈압과 대사 관련 요인 관계 분석-
dc.title.alternativeRelation Analysis of Hypertension and Metabolism-related Factors on the Physical Activity Amount and Strength Exercise of the Elderly-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation한국사회체육학회지, no.90, pp 473 - 488-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorphysical activity amount-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorstrength exercise-
dc.subject.keywordAuthorKorean National Health and Nutrition Survey-
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College of Culture and Sports > Sport Science in Division of Global Sport Studies > 1. Journal Articles


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Kim, Sang ho
College of Culture and Sports (Sport Science in Division of Global Sport Studies)
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