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뉴미디어를 활용한 국내 프로스포츠 리그의 수익모델 발굴과 성과관리지표 개발 연구A Study on the Development of Revenue Model and Performance Management Indicators for the Korean Professional Sports League Using New Media

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A Study on the Development of Revenue Model and Performance Management Indicators for the Korean Professional Sports League Using New Media
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professional sports leagues; revenue models; performance management indicators; brainstorming; delphi techniques
한국사회체육학회지, no.89, pp.23 - 36
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to discover new profit models rf oprofit diversification in domestic professional sports leagues and to develop performance mangaement indicators that can continuously manage and operate models. Method: To this end, experts in five areas were invited to discover profit models using brainstorming, in-depth interviews, and Delphi techniques, and to derive performance management indicators. The main results are as follows. Results: First, the new profit model of the professional sports league proposed a model that can generate derived profits through communication with fans by combining the platform utilization method of the entertainment industry based on content production using NBA Palymakers. Second, performance management indicators according to the profit model were derived absed on the BSC technique. A total of 2 4 detailed factors were composed of 6 financial perspectives, 6 ucstomer perspectives, 5 process perspectives, 3 learning and growth perspectives, and 4 other perspecivtes. In addition, the weight of the detailed factors for each area was calculated by multiplying the weight ratio of each detailed factor according to the weight ratio for each area and dividing by 100. From a financli apoint of view, platform development and maintenance costs and operating costs showed the highest weigh, tand from a customer point of view , killer content and securing star players had the highest weigh. tFrom the process perspective, the overa ll satisfaction item was the highest, and from a learning growth perspective, the investment item to maintain SNS channel and service innovation, and from other perspective,s the item to secure intellectual property rights was the highest. Conclusion: Professional sports fans are also making new demands in linew ith the ongoing COVID-19 and the trend of the 4th Industrial Revolution. If a new revenue model is discovered and managed continuously by a traditional revenue model in line with the environment and consumer trends, it will help not only diversify profits but also build a stable infrastructure through close relationships with fans.
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