College of Science and Technology (과학기술대학)2,418


Data Computational Sciences in Division of Applied Mathematical Sciences응용수리과학부 데이터계산과학전공 218

Department of AI Cyber Security인공지능사이버보안학과 12

Department of Advanced Materials Chemistry신소재화학과 253

Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics생명정보공학과 99

Department of Computer Convergence Software컴퓨터융합소프트웨어학과 330

Department of Computer Science전산학과 0

Department of Computer and Information Science컴퓨터정보학과 0

Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering제어계측공학과 3

Department of Display and Semiconductor Physics디스플레이·반도체물리학과 23

Department of Electro-Mechanical Systems Engineering전자·기계융합공학과 391

Department of Electronics and Information Engineering전자및정보공학부 0

Department of Electronics and Information Engineering전자및정보공학과 240

Department of Environmental Engineering환경시스템공학과 231

Department of Food and Biotechnology식품생명공학과 218

Department of Information and Mathematics정보수학과 14

Department of Informational Statistics정보통계학과 0

Department of Mathematics수학과 0

Department of Mathematics수학과 9

Department of Sport and Leisure Studies사회체육학과 21

Display Convergence in Division of Display and Semiconductor Physics디스플레이·반도체물리학부 디스플레이융합전공 48

Division of Display and Semiconductor Physics디스플레이·반도체물리학부 17

Division of Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies자유공학부 4

Semiconductor Physics in Division of Display and Semiconductor Physics디스플레이·반도체물리학부 반도체물리전공 334

ETC기타 0