ConferenceCitationIP Aspects of Free Trade Agreements in the Asia Pacific RegionPublisherMax Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, Munich (MPI)PlaceAT
ConferenceCitation국제투자규범의 이해와 정립: 동북아 3국의 주요 쟁점(Understanding and Strengthening International Investment Law: Potential Issues Involving the Three States in Northeast Asia)Publisher법무부/대한상사중재원PlaceKO; 고려대학교 백주년기념 삼성관 국제원격회의실
ConferenceCitationThe WTO Regime and Regional Trading Blocs: Laws and Practices of the Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) in China and KoreaPublisherChinese Society of International Economic LawPlaceCC; Tianjin, China