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The Detector Development and Physics Program in sPHENIX Experiment at RHIC

Kim, YongsunAngerami, A.Alfred, M.Atkin, E.Akiba, Y.Aidala, C.Azmoun, B.Arratia, M.Aune, S.Bathe, S.Bumazhnov, VBerdnikov, Y.Brooks, W.Barish, K.Bellwied, R.Blau, D.Brooks, M.Brandin, A.Babintsev, VBerdnikov, A.Bernauer, J.Bi, R.Bailey, VBazilevsky, A.Belmont, R.Chiu, M.Chi, C.Connors, M.Csanad, M.Citron, Z.Cole, B.Csorgo, T.Chaturvedi, O.Canoa-Roman, VContin, G.Chen, X.David, G.Denisov, A.Durum, A.Durham, M.Dehmelt, K.Drees, A.Dumancic, M.Danley, T.Deshpande, A.Osborn, J. D.Dong, X.Dixit, D.Esumi, S.Enokizono, A.El Alaoui, A.En'yo, H.Franz, A.Frawley, A.Finger, M.Fadem, B.Fokin, S.Frantz, J.Fields, D.Feege, N.Friscic, IGrau, N.Gupta, N.Gunji, T.Greene, VGarg, P.Grosse Perdekamp, M.Goto, Y.Gao, C.Haggerty, J.Huang, J.He, X.van Hecke, H.Hasegawa, S.Hong, B.Hemmick, T.Hakobyan, H.Huang, H.Harris, J.Hoffmann, G.Hodges, A.Hasell, D.Hill, K.Hachiya, T.Ivanishchev, D.Kim, E. J.Jouan, D.Skoby, M. J.Jacak, B.Singh, B. K.Kistenev, E.Klein, A.Kazantsev, A.Khanzadeev, A.Komkov, B.Kotov, D.Kurita, K.Kincses, D.Kuleshov, S.Kim, C.Koehler, M.Kwon, Y.Kapukchyan, D.Kang, J.Klein, S.Kunnawalkam, R.Lajoie, J.Lebedev, A.Li, X.Lim, S.Liu, K.Liu, M.Llope, B.Lee, Y.Loggins, VLai, Y.Liu, A.Mannel, E.Morrison, D.McCumber, M.McGaughey, P.Manko, VMalayev, M.Mignerey, A.Markert, C.Milov, A.Murata, J.Milner, R.McGlinchey, D.Majoros, T.Mitsuka, G.Ma, Y.Nouicer, R.Nyanin, A.Nagy, M.Novak, T.Nagle, J.Nattrass, C.Nakano, K.Nakagawa, IO'Brien, E.Ogilvie, C.Okorokov, VKoop, J. OrjuelaOdyniec, G.Pinkenburg, C.Pisani, R.Purschke, M.Pantuev, VPeresunko, D.Pate, S.Pinsky, L.Pruneau, C.Putschke, J.Papavassiliou, VPerez-Lara, C.Park, S.Pun, A.Paladi, H.Phipps, M.Da Costa, H. PereiraProcureur, S.Reed, R.Riabov, VRostchin, E.Ryabov, Y.Radzevich, P.Ray, L.Rosati, M.Ramasubramanian, N.Redwine, R.Roland, C.Roland, G.Richford, D.Sakaguchi, T.Steinberg, P.Shei, ISen, A.Sato, S.Soltz, R.Snowball, M.Sondheim, W.Shimomura, M.Samsonov, Vda Silva, C.Strikhanov, M.Stankus, P.Salur, S.Sziklai, J.Shibata, T-ASeto, R.Sickles, A.Schambach, J.Sarsour, M.Sako, H.Seidl, R.Singh, A.Stephans, G.Shi, Z.Sun, Z.Surrow, B.Stoll, S.Sourikova, ISzornel, J.Shi, S.Sabatier, F.Shulga, E.Tannenbaum, M.Tanida, K.Taranenko, A.Timmins, A.Tarafdar, S.Tsai, O.Tserruya, ITarnai, G.Torales-Acosta, F.Ujvari, B.Vrba, V.Voloshin, S.Velkovska, J.Vazquez Carson, S.Perepelitsa, D., VVandenbroucke, M.Woody, C.Wickes, A.Watanabe, Y.Wang, Y.Wang, Z.Xu, N.Xie, W.Yanovich, A.Yushmanov, IYu, H.Yamaguchi, Y.Yokkaichi, S.Yang, P.Yajun, M.You, Z.Zajc, B.Zharko, S.
Issue Date
sPHENIX; heavy ion collision; QGP; sPHENIX beam test; T-1044; quark matter 2018
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, v.982, pp.955 - 958
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The sPHENIX experiment at RHIC will collect high statistics proton-proton, proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus data, starting in the early 2020's. The sPHENIX capabilities enable state-of-the-art studies of jet modification, upsilon suppression and open heavy flavor production to probe the microscopic nature of the strongly-coupled Quark Gluon Plasma, and will allow a broad range of cold QCD studies. The sPHENIX detector will provide precision vertexing, tracking and electromagnetic and hadronic calorimetry in the central pseudorapidity region vertical bar eta vertical bar < 1.1, with full azimuth coverage, at the full RHIC collision rate, delivering unprecedented data sets for hard probe tomography measurements at RHIC. In this talk, we will present a brief overview of the sPHENIX detector design with emphasis on calorimetry. The novel design of the sPHENIX calorimeters includes a tungsten/scintillating fiber electromagnetic calorimeter and two steel/scintillating tile hadronic calorimeter sections. The calorimeter has been optimized for upsilon and jet measurements in the high multiplicity environment of heavy-ion collisions. The design has been simulated in detail using GEANT4, and the simulations have extensively vetted against results obtained from the T-1044 test beam facility at FNAL Both simulation data and test beam data, and the resulting jet physics performance, will be presented in this talk.
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College of Science > Department of Physics > 1. Journal Articles


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