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Measurements of B -> J/psi at forward rapidity in p plus p collisions at root s=510 GeV

Aidala, C.Ajitanand, N. N.Akiba, Y.Akimoto, R.Alexander, J.Alfred, M.Aoki, K.Apadula, N.Asano, H.Atomssa, E. T.Attila, A.Awes, T. C.Ayuso, C.Azmoun, B.Babintsev, V.Bai, M.Bai, X.Bannier, B.Barish, K. N.Bathe, S.Baublis, V.Baumann, C.Baumgart, S.Bazilevsky, A.Beaumier, M.Belmont, R.Berdnikov, A.Berdnikov, Y.Black, D.Blau, D. S.Boer, M.Bok, J. S.Boyle, K.Brooks, M. L.Bryslawskyj, J.Buesching, H.Bumazhnov, V.Butler, C.Butsyk, S.Campbell, S.CanoaRoman, C.Chen, C. -H.Chi, C. Y.Chiu, M.Choi, I. J.Choi, J. B.Choi, S.Christiansen, P.Chujo, T.Cianciolo, V.Cole, B. A.Connors, M.Cronin, N.Crossette, N.Csanad, M.Csorgo, T.Danley, T. W.Datta, A.Daugherity, M. S.David, G.DeBlasio, K.Dehmelt, K.Denisov, A.Deshpande, A.Desmond, E. J.Ding, L.Do, J. H.D'Orazio, L.Drapier, O.Drees, A.Drees, K. A.Dumancic, M.Durham, J. M.Durum, A.Elder, T.Engelmore, T.Enokizono, A.Esumi, S.Eyser, K. O.Fadem, B.Fan, W.Feege, N.Fields, D. E.Finger, M.Finger, M., Jr.Fleuret, F.Fokin, S. L.Frantz, J. E.Franz, A.Frawley, A. D.Fukao, Y.Fukuda, Y.Fusayasu, T.Gainey, K.Gal, C.Garg, P.Garishvili, A.Garishvili, I.Ge, H.Giordano, F.Glenn, A.Gong, X.Gonin, M.Goto, Cassagnac, R. GranierGrau, N.Greene, S. V.Perdekamp, M. GrosseGu, Y.Gunji, T.Guragain, H.Hachiya, T.Haggerty, J. S.Hahn, K. I.Hamagaki, H.Han, S. Y.Hanks, J.Hasegawa, S.Haseler, T. O. S.Hashimoto, K.Hayano, R.He, X.Hemmick, T. K.Hester, T.Hill, J. C.Hill, K.Hollis, R. S.Homma, K.Hong, B.Hoshino, T.Hotvedt, N.Huang, J.Huang, S.Ichihara, T.Ikeda, Y.Imai, K.Imazu, Y.Inaba, M.Iordanova, A.Isenhower, D.Isinhue, A.Ito, Y.Ivanishchev, D.Jacak, B. V.Jeon, S. J.Jezghani, M.Ji, Z.Jia, J.Jiang, X.Johnson, B. M.Joo, K. S.Jorjadze, V.Jouan, D.Jumper, D. S.Kamin, J.Kanda, S.Kang, B. H.Kang, J. H.Kang, J. S.Kapukchyan, D.Kapustinsky, J.Karthas, S.Kawall, D.Kazantsev, A. V.Key, J. A.Khachatryan, V.Khandai, P. K.Khanzadeev, A.Kijima, K. M.Kim, C.Kim, D. J.Kim, E. -J.Kim, M.Kim, M. H.Kim, Y. -J.Kim, Y. K.Kincses, D.Kistenev, E.Klatsky, J.Kleinjan, D.Kline, P.Koblesky, T.Kofarago, M.Komkov, B.Koster, J.Kotchetkov, D.Kotov, D.Krizek, F.Kudo, S.Kurita, K.Kurosawa, M.Kwon, Y.Lacey, R.Lai, Y. S.Lajoie, J. G.Lallow, E. O.Lebedev, A.Lee, D. M.Lee, G. H.Lee, J.Lee, K. B.Lee, K. S.Lee, S. H.Leitch, M. J.Leitgab, M.Leung, Y. H.Lewis, B.Lewis, N. A.Li, X.Li, X.Lim, S. H.Liu, L. D.Liu, M. X.Loggins, V. -R.Lokos, S.Lynch, D.Maguire, C. F.Makdisi, Y. I.Makek, M.Manion, A.Manko, V. I.Mannel, E.McCumber, M.McGaughey, P. L.McGlinchey, D.McKinney, C.Meles, A.Mendoza, M.Meredith, B.Miake, Y.Mibe, T.Mignerey, A. C.Mihalik, D. E. M.Milov, A.Mishra, D. K.Mitchell, J. T.Mitsuka, G.Miyasaka, S.Mizuno, S.Mohanty, A. K.Mohapatra, S.Moon, T.Morrison, D. P.Morrow, S. I. M.Moskowitz, M.Moukhanova, T. V.Murakami, T.Murata, J.Mwai, A.Nagae, T.Nagai, K.Nagamiya, S.Nagashima, K.Nagashima, T.Nagle, J. L.Nagy, M. I.Nakagawa, I.Nakagomi, H.Nakamiya, Y.Nakamura, K. R.Nakamura, T.Nakano, K.Nattrass, C.Netrakanti, P. K.Nihashi, M.Niida, T.Nouicer, R.Novak, T.Novitzky, N.Novotny, R.Nyanin, A. S.O'Brien, E.Ogilvie, C. A.Oide, H.Okada, K.Koop, J. D. OrjuelaOsborn, J. D.Oskarsson, A.Ozawa, K.Pak, R.Pantuev, V.Papavassiliou, V.Park, I. H.Park, J. S.Park, S.Park, S. K.Pate, S. F.Patel, L.Patel, M.Peng, J. -C.Peng, W.Perepelitsa, D. V.Perera, G. D. N.Peressounko, D. Yu.PerezLara, C. E.Perry, J.Petti, R.Phipps, M.Pinkenburg, C.Pisani, R. P.Pun, A.Purschke, M. L.Qu, H.Radzevich, P. V.Rak, J.Ravinovich, I.Read, K. F.Reynolds, D.Riabov, V.Riabov, Y.Richardson, E.Richford, D.Rinn, T.Riveli, N.Roach, D.Rolnick, S. D.Rosati, M.Rowan, Z.Runchey, J.Ryu, M. S.Sahlmueller, B.Saito, N.Sakaguchi, T.Sako, H.Samsonov, V.Sarsour, M.Sato, K.Sato, S.Sawada, S.Schaefer, B.Schmoll, B. K.Sedgwick, K.Seele, J.Seidl, R.Sekiguchi, Y.Sen, A.Seto, R.Sett, P.Sexton, A.Sharma, D.Shaver, A.Shein, I.Shibata, T. -A.Shigaki, K.Shimomura, M.Shoji, K.Shukla, P.Sickles, A.Silva, C. L.Silvermyr, D.Singh, B. K.Singh, C. P.Singh, V.Skoby, M. J.Skolnik, M.Slunecka, M.Smith, K. L.Solano, S.Soltz, R. A.Sondheim, W. E.Sorensen, S. P.Sourikova, I. V.Stankus, P. W.Steinberg, P.Stenlund, E.Stepanov, M.Ster, A.Stoll, S. P.Stone, M. R.Sugitate, T.Sukhanov, A.Sun, J.Syed, S.Takahara, A.Taketani, A.Tanaka, Y.Tanida, K.Tannenbaum, M. J.Tarafdar, S.Taranenko, A.Tarnai, G.Tennant, E.Tieulent, R.Timilsina, A.Todoroki, T.Tomasek, M.Torii, H.Towell, C. L.Towell, R. S.Tserruya, I.Ueda, Y.Ujvari, B.van Hecke, H. W.Vargyas, M.Vazquez-Carson, S.Vazquez-Zambrano, E.Veicht, A.Velkovska, J.Vertesi, R.Virius, M.Vrba, V.Vznuzdaev, E.Wang, X. R.Wang, Z.Watanabe, D.Watanabe, K.Watanabe, Y.Watanabe, Y. S.Wei, F.Whitaker, S.Wolin, S.Wong, C. P.Woody, C. L.Wysocki, M.Xia, B.Xu, C.Xu, Q.Yamaguchi, Y. L.Yanovich, A.Yin, P.Yokkaichi, S.Yoo, J. H.Yoon, I.You, Z.Younus, I.Yu, H.Yushmanov, I. E.Zajc, W. A.Zelenski, A.Zharko, S.Zhou, S.Zou, L.
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We report the first measurement of the fraction of J/psi mesons coming from B-meson decay (F (B -> J/psi)) in p + p collisions at root s = 510 GeV. The measurement is performed using the forward silicon vertex detector and central vertex detector at PHENIX, which provide precise tracking and distance-of-closest-approach determinations, enabling the statistical separation of J=. due to B-meson decays from prompt J/psi. The measured value of F (B -> J/psi) is 8.1% +/- 2.3% (stat) +/- 1.9% (syst) for J/psi with transverse momenta 0 < p(T) < 5 GeV/c and rapidity 1.2 < vertical bar y vertical bar < 2.2. The measured fraction F (B -> J/psi) at PHENIX is compared to values measured by other experiments at higher center of mass energies and to fixed-order-next-toleading- logarithm and color-evaporation-model predictions. The b (b) over bar cross section per unit rapidity [d sigma/dy(pp -> b (b) over bar)] extracted from the obtained F (B -> J/psi) and the PHENIX inclusive J/psi cross section measured at 200 GeV scaled with color-evaporation-model calculations, at the mean B hadron rapidity y = +/- 1.7 in 510 GeV p + p collisions, is 3.63(-1.70)(+1.92) mu b. It is consistent with the fixed-order-next-toleading- logarithm calculations.
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