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Systematic study of azimuthal anisotropy in Cu plus Cu and Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=62.4 and 200 GeV

Adare, A.Afanasiev, S.Aidala, C.Ajitanand, N. N.Akiba, Y.Al-Bataineh, H.Al-Jamel, A.Alexander, J.Aoki, K.Aphecetche, L.Armendariz, R.Aronson, S. H.Asai, J.Atomssa, E. T.Averbeck, R.Awes, T. C.Azmoun, B.Babintsev, V.Baksay, G.Baksay, L.Baldisseri, A.Barish, K. N.Barnes, P. D.Bassalleck, B.Bathe, S.Batsouli, S.Baublis, V.Bauer, F.Bazilevsky, A.Belikov, S.Bennett, R.Berdnikov, Y.Bickley, A. A.Bjorndal, M. T.Boissevain, J. G.Borel, H.Boyle, K.Brooks, M. L.Brown, D. S.Bucher, D.Buesching, H.Bumazhnov, V.Bunce, G.Burward-Hoy, J. M.Butsyk, S.Campbell, S.Chai, J-S.Chang, B. S.Charvet, J-L.Chernichenko, S.Chi, C. Y.Chiba, J.Chiu, M.Choi, I. J.Chujo, T.Chung, P.Churyn, A.Cianciolo, V.Cleven, C. R.Cobigo, Y.Cole, B. A.Comets, M. P.Constantin, P.Csanad, M.Csoergo, T.Dahms, T.Das, K.David, G.Deaton, M. B.Dehmelt, K.Delagrange, H.Denisov, A.d'Enterria, D.Deshpande, A.Desmond, E. J.Dietzsch, O.Dion, A.Donadelli, M.Drachenberg, J. L.Drapier, O.Drees, A.Dubey, A. K.Durum, A.Dzhordzhadze, V.Efremenko, Y. V.Egdemir, J.Ellinghaus, F.Emam, W. S.Enokizono, A.En'yo, H.Espagnon, B.Esumi, S.Eyser, K. O.Fields, D. E.Finger, M.Finger, M., Jr.Fleuret, F.Fokin, S. L.Forestier, B.Fraenkel, Z.Frantz, J. E.Franz, A.Frawley, A. D.Fujiwara, K.Fukao, Y.Fung, S. -Y.Fusayasu, T.Gadrat, S.Garishvili, I.Gastineau, F.Germain, M.Glenn, A.Gong, H.Gonin, M.Gosset, J.Goto, Cassagnac, R. GranierGrau, N.Greene, S. V.Perdekamp, M. GrosseGunji, T.Gustafsson, H-AHachiya, T.Henni, A. HadjHaegemann, C.Haggerty, J. S.Hagiwara, M. N.Hamagaki, H.Han, R.Harada, H.Hartouni, E. P.Haruna, K.Harvey, M.Haslum, E.Hasuko, K.Hayano, R.He, X.Heffner, M.Hemmick, T. K.Hester, T.Heuser, J. M.Hiejima, H.Hill, J. C.Hobbs, R.Hohlmann, M.Holmes, M.Holzmann, W.Homma, K.Hong, B.Horaguchi, T.Hornback, D.Huang, S.Hur, M. G.Ichihara, T.Iinuma, H.Imai, K.Inaba, M.Inoue, Y.Isenhower, D.Isenhower, L.Ishihara, M.Isobe, T.Issah, M.Isupov, A.Jacak, B. V.Jia, J.Jin, J.Jinnouchi, O.Johnson, B. M.Joo, K. S.Jouan, D.Kajihara, F.Kametani, S.Kamihara, N.Kamin, J.Kaneta, M.Kang, J. H.Kanou, H.Kawagishi, T.Kawall, D.Kazantsev, A. V.Kelly, S.Khanzadeev, A.Kikuchi, J.Kim, D. H.Kim, D. J.Kim, E.Kim, Y. -S.Kinney, E.Kiss, A.Kistenev, E.Kiyomichi, A.Klay, J.Klein-Boesing, C.Kochenda, L.Kochetkov, V.Komkov, B.Konno, M.Kotchetkov, D.Kozlov, A.Kral, A.Kravitz, A.Kroon, P. J.Kubart, J.Kunde, G. J.Kurihara, N.Kurita, K.Kweon, M. J.Kwon, Y.Kyle, G. S.Lacey, R.Lai, Y. S.Lajoie, J. G.Lebedev, A.Le Bornec, Y.Leckey, S.Lee, D. M.Lee, M. K.Lee, T.Leitch, M. J.Leite, M. A. L.Lenzi, B.Li, X.Li, X. H.Lim, H.Liska, T.Litvinenko, A.Liu, M. X.Love, B.Lynch, D.Maguire, C. F.Makdisi, Y. I.Malakhov, A.Malik, M. D.Manko, V. I.Mao, Y.Masek, L.Masui, H.Matathias, F.McCain, M. C.McCumber, M.McGaughey, P. L.Miake, Y.Mikes, P.Miki, K.Miller, T. E.Milov, A.Mioduszewski, S.Mishra, G. C.Mishra, M.Mitchell, J. T.Mitrovski, M.Morreale, A.Morrison, D. P.Moss, J. M.Moukhanova, T. V.Mukhopadhyay, D.Murata, J.Nagamiya, S.Nagata, Y.Nagle, J. L.Naglis, M.Nakagawa, I.Nakamiya, Y.Nakamura, T.Nakano, K.Newby, J.Nguyen, M.Norman, B. E.Nouicer, R.Nyanin, A. S.Nystrand, J.O'Brien, E.Oda, S. X.Ogilvie, C. A.Ohnishi, H.Ojha, I. D.Oka, M.Okada, K.Omiwade, O. O.Oskarsson, A.Otterlund, I.Ouchida, M.Ozawa, K.Pak, R.Pal, D.Palounek, A. P. T.Pantuev, V.Papavassiliou, V.Park, J.Park, W. J.Pate, S. F.Pei, H.Peng, J. -C.Pereira, H.Peresedov, V.Peressounko, D. Yu.Pinkenburg, C.Pisani, R. P.Purschke, M. L.Purwar, A. K.Qu, H.Rak, J.Rakotozafindrabe, A.Ravinovich, I.Read, K. F.Rembeczki, S.Reuter, M.Reygers, K.Riabov, V.Riabov, Y.Roche, G.Romana, A.Rosati, M.Rosendahl, S. S. E.Rosnet, P.Rukoyatkin, P.Rykov, V. L.Ryu, S. S.Sahlmueller, B.Saito, N.Sakaguchi, T.Sakai, S.Sakata, H.Samsonov, V.Sato, H. D.Sato, S.Sawada, S.Seele, J.Seidl, R.Semenov, V.Seto, R.Sharma, D.Shea, T. K.Shein, I.Shevel, A.Shibata, T. -A.Shigaki, K.Shimomura, M.Shohjoh, T.Shoji, K.Sickles, A.Silva, C. L.Silvermyr, D.Silvestre, C.Sim, K. S.Singh, C. P.Singh, V.Skutnik, S.Slunecka, M.Smith, W. C.Soldatov, A.Soltz, R. A.Sondheim, W. E.Sorensen, S. P.Sourikova, I. V.Staley, F.Stankus, P. W.Stenlund, E.Stepanov, M.Ster, A.Stoll, S. P.Sugitate, T.Suire, C.Sullivan, J. P.Sziklai, J.Tabaru, T.Takagi, S.Takagui, E. M.Taketani, A.Tanaka, K. H.Tanaka, Y.Tanida, K.Tannenbaum, M. J.Taranenko, A.Tarjan, P.Thomas, T. L.Todoroki, T.Togawa, M.Toia, A.Tojo, J.Tomasek, L.Torii, H.Towell, R. S.Tram, V-N.Tserruya, I.Tsuchimoto, Y.Tuli, S. K.Tydesjoe, H.Tyurin, N.Vale, C.Valle, H.van Hecke, H. W.Velkovska, J.Vertesi, R.Vinogradov, A. A.Virius, M.Vrba, V.Vznuzdaev, E.Wagner, M.Walker, D.Wang, X. R.Watanabe, Y.Wessels, J.White, S. N.Willis, N.Winter, D.Woody, C. L.Wysocki, M.Xie, W.Yamaguchi, Y. L.Yanovich, A.Yasin, Z.Ying, J.Yokkaichi, S.Young, G. R.Younus, I.Yushmanov, I. E.Zajc, W. A.Zaudtke, O.Zhang, C.Zhou, S.Zimanyi, J.Zolin, L.
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We have studied the dependence of azimuthal anisotropy nu(2) for inclusive and identified charged hadrons in Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions on collision energy, species, and centrality. The values of nu(2) as a function of transverse momentum pT and centrality in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 and 62.4 GeV are the same within uncertainties. However, in Cu + Cu collisions we observe a decrease in nu(2) values as the collision energy is reduced from 200 to 62.4 GeV. The decrease is larger in the more peripheral collisions. By examining both Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions we find that nu(2) depends both on eccentricity and the number of participants, N-part. We observe that nu(2) divided by eccentricity (epsilon) monotonically increases with N-part and scales as N-part(1/3). The Cu + Cu data at 62.4 GeV falls below the other scaled nu(2) data. For identified hadrons, nu(2) divided by the number of constituent quarks n(q) is independent of hadron species as a function of transverse kinetic energy K E-T = m(T) - m between 0.1 < K E-T / n(q) < 1 GeV. Combining all of the above scaling and normalizations, we observe a near-universal scaling, with the exception of the Cu + Cu data at 62.4 GeV, of nu(2)/(nq center dot e center dot N-part(1/3)) vs K E-T / n(q) for all measured particles.
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