European Journal of Mineralogy  open-access icon

Journal Title

  • European Journal of Mineralogy


  • E 1617-4011 | P 0935-1221


  • E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung

Listed on(Coverage)

JCR 1997-2019
SJR 1999-2019
CiteScore 2011-2019
SCI 2010-2019
SCIE 2010-2021
CC 2016-2021
SCOPUS 2017-2020
DOAJ 2021

OA Info.

OA open-access icon

based on the information

  • 2021;
Keywords mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, crystallography, ore deposits
Review Process Peer review
Journal info. pages
Licences CC BY
Copyrights Yes
DOAJ Coverage
  • Added on Date : 2021-02-22T14:47:00Z
Subject(s) Science: Geology: Mineralogy


  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • EJM was founded to reach a large audience on an international scale and also for achieving closer cooperation ofEuropean countries in the publication of scientific results. The founding societies have set themselves thetask of publishing a journal of the highest standard open to all scientists performing mineralogical researchin the widest sense of the term, all over the world. Contributions will therefore be published primarily in English. EJM publishes original papers, review articles and letters dealing with the mineralogical sciences s.l.,primarily mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, crystallography and ore deposits, but also biomineralogy, environmental,applied and technical mineralogy. Nevertheless, papers in any related field, including cultural heritage, will be considered.

Article List

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