Geological Journal

Journal Title

  • Geological Journal


  • E 1099-1034 | P 0072-1050 | 1099-1034 | 0072-1050


  • John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Wiley-Blackwell

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • In recent years there has been a growth of specialist journals within geological sciences. Nevertheless, there is an important role for a journal of an interdisciplinary kind. Traditionally, GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL has been such a journal and continues in its aim of promoting interest in all branches of the Geological Sciences, through publication of original research papers and review articles. The journal publishes Special Issues with a common theme or regional coverage e.g. Chinese Dinosaurs; Tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean, Triassic basins of the Central and North Atlantic Borderlands). These are extensively cited. The Journal has a particular interest in publishing papers on regional case studies from any global locality which have conclusions of general interest. Such papers may emphasize aspects across the full spectrum of geological sciences. Sedimentology and Geomorphology - facies analysis, regional sedimentary environments, basin analysis, process of sedimentation, general palaeogeographic reconstruction, diagenesis. [facies analysis, sequence stratigraphy, basin analysis, palaeography, diagenesis, especially in petroleum geology.] Palaeontology - macroevolution, extinctions, biostratigraphy, palaeoecology, functional morphology, biogeography, evolution, taphonomony, ichnology. Quaternary Geology and Environmental Change - recent climate and sea-level change, Quaternary fossils, glaciations. Tectonics and Structural Geology - including structural geology, strain analysis, fabrics, global tectonics, experimental deformation, Neotectonics, geophysics. Geochemistry and Geochronology - stable and unstable isotope studies, major and trace element studies, genetic geochemical modelling, fluid - rock interaction, applied geochemistry. Metamorphic Geology - regional studies, determination of T/P , fluid composition, crystallization paths, history of burial and uplift of large metamorphic areas. Volcanic and Igneous Geology - regional studies of igneous provinces, magma genesis, magma composition, magmatic product, igneous centres, petrological studies.

Article List

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