
Journal Title

  • Geology


  • E 1943-2682 | P 0091-7613 | 0091-7613 | 1943-2682


  • Geological Society of America

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • Published since 1973, Geology features rapid publication of about 23 refereed short (four-page) papers each month. Articles cover all earth-science disciplines and include new investigations and provocative topics. Professional geologists and university-level students in the earth sciences use this widely read journal to keep up with scientific research trends. The online forum section facilitates author-reader dialog. Includes color and occasional large-format illustrations on oversized loose inserts. Geology Articles are timely, innovative, and provocative, relevant to the journal's international audience, and representative of research from all fields of the geosciences. Geology manuscripts must fit the following size constraints: (1) A character count with spaces (in Microsoft Word) of no more than 16,500 characters for the title, author names, affiliations, abstract, and main text. (Acknowledgments, References Cited, and figure and table captions do not need to be counted.) (2) No more than 4 figures and tables. You may have any combination of figures and tables, as long as you keep to a total of 4 items or fewer. /// Research Focus Articles provide an (invited) opportunity for authors familiar with specific issues and disciplines to draw new insights from a published article, as well as to provide additional background and depth for readers unfamiliar with the most recent techniques and/or results in this field. /// Comments and Replies provide a forum in which published papers can be discussed. These are each limited to one PDF page, including references, figures, and tables (about 7500 characters of text = one printed page). Comments focus on the broad assertions or implications in the original article; they are not overly specific or personal. A Comment must be submitted within six months of publication of the original article. Replies are written by the original author(s) after receiving a copy of the relevant Comment. Replies must be submitted to GSA within one month.

Article List

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