
Journal Title

  • Holocene


  • E 1477-0911 | P 0959-6836 | 1477-0911 | 0959-6836


  • SAGE Publications
  • SAGE

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • The Holocene is a high impact, peer reviewed journal dedicated to fundamental scientific research at the interface between the long Quaternary record and the natural and human-induced environmental processes operating at the Earth's surface today. The Holocene emphasizes environmental change over the last ca 11 700 years - the most recent geological epoch and the most relevant time-span for understanding the future environments of the human species. The journal reflects the wide range of important and exciting interdisciplinary research being carried out in this field, and its coverage is worldwide. No other journal caters for the specific interdisciplinary needs of the large international community of scientists working on The Holocene. The Holocene is the first journal dedicated to fundamental scientific research on environmental change over the Holocene epoch, i.e. the last ~11,700 years. It is an interdisciplinary journal that invites contributions from any discipline and aims to attract the best research of international interest from anywhere in the world. The Holocene covers: /// Palaeo-environmental research of all types including, for example, the results of palaeoclimatic, palaeoecological, palaeohydrological, palaeopedological and palaeoceanographic investigations; /// Climatic and other environmental changes on annual, decadal, centennial and millennial timescales; /// Geological, biological and archaeological evidence of recent environmental change; /// The nature, processes, mechanisms and causes of natural and human-induced environmental change; /// Techniques for reconstructing, dating, monitoring and modelling environmental change; /// Use of modern analogues to elucidate the palaeo-environmental record in terrestrial and marine environments; /// Palaeo-environmental and geo-archaeological perspectives on regional to global environmental changes and their effects; /// The development of natural and cultural landscapes and ecosystems; /// Interdisciplinary studies of environmental history and prehistory; /// Human responses to past climatic and other environmental changes; /// The implications of environmental change in the Holocene and Anthropocene for present and future human populations and societies; /// Predictions of future changes in the environment from the record of the past. The Holocene regularly publishes: /// Research Papers; /// Research Reports; /// Research Reviews; /// Forum Articles; /// Special Issues; /// Book Reviews. Occasional special features include: /// Research reviews and theme issues /// devoted to specific Holocene topics or key conferences /// Fast-track Reports! Bring groundbreaking research to the public domain as soon as possible. /// The possibility of publishing short contributions of exceptional merit within three months of acceptance.

Article List

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