Agricultural Water Management

Journal Title

  • Agricultural Water Management


  • E 1873-2283 | P 0378-3774


  • Elsevier BV

Listed on(Coverage)

JCR 1997-2019
SJR 1999-2019
CiteScore 2011-2019
SCI 2010-2019
SCIE 2010-2021
CC 2016-2021
SCOPUS 2017-2020


  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • The journal publishes papers of international significance relating to the science, economics, and policy of agricultural water management. In all cases, manuscripts must address implications and provide insight regarding agricultural water management. The primary topics that we consider are the following: /// Farm-level and regional water management /// Crop water relations, crop yields and water productivity /// Irrigation, drainage, and salinity in cultivated areas /// Salinity management and strategies for improving the use of saline water in agriculture /// Rainwater harvesting and crop water management in rainfed areas /// Use of wastewater and other low quality waters in agriculture /// Groundwater management in agriculture and conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water /// Implications of groundwater and surface water management on nutrient cycling /// Exploitation and protection of agricultural water resources. Additional topics of interest include interactions between agricultural water management and the environment (flooding, soil erosion, nutrient loss and depletion, non-point source pollution, water quality, desertification, and the potential implications of global climate change for agricultural water management), and the institutional and regulatory aspects of agricultural water management (water pricing, allocation and competition).

Article List

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