International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing

Journal Title

  • International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing


  • E 1099-1115 | P 0890-6327 | 1099-1115 | 0890-6327


  • John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Wiley-Blackwell

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • The International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing is concerned with the design, synthesis and application of estimators or controllers where adaptive features are needed to cope with uncertainties.Papers on signal processing should also have some relevance to adaptive systems. The journal focus is on model based control design approaches rather than heuristic or rule based control design methods. All papers will be expected to include significant novel material. Both the theory and application of adaptive systems and system identification are areas of interest. Papers on applications can include problems in the implementation of algorithms for real time signal processing and control. The stability, convergence, robustness and numerical aspects of adaptive algorithms are also suitable topics. The related subjects of controller tuning, filtering, networks and switching theory are also of interest. Principal areas to be addressed include: /// Auto-Tuning, Self-Tuning and Model Reference Adaptive Controllers /// Nonlinear, Robust and Intelligent Adaptive Controllers /// Linear and Nonlinear Multivariable System Identification and Estimation /// Identification of Linear Parameter Varying, Distributed and Hybrid Systems /// Multiple Model Adaptive Control /// Adaptive Signal processing Theory and Algorithms /// Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems /// Condition Monitoring Systems /// Fault Detection and Isolation Methods /// Fault Detection and Isolation Methods /// Fault-Tolerant Control (system supervision and diagnosis) /// Learning Systems and Adaptive Modelling /// Real Time Algorithms for Adaptive Signal Processing and Control /// Adaptive Signal Processing and Control Applications /// Adaptive Cloud Architectures and Networking /// Adaptive Mechanisms for Internet of Things /// Adaptive Sliding Mode Control

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