International Journal of Information Security

Journal Title

  • International Journal of Information Security


  • E 1615-5270 | P 1615-5262 | 1615-5270 | 1615-5262


  • Springer Verlag
  • Springer Nature

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • The International Journal of Information Security is an English language international journal on research in information security. Information security builds on computer security and applied cryptography, but also reaches out to other branches of the information sciences. Information security is an important aspect of protecting the information society from a wide variety of threats. The number and the sizes of international conferences treating information security grow with each passing year, as does the quantity of significant publishable technical work in this area. But much of this work appears too long after the need for it has arisen, if at all, or in journals with specialist readerships not including many of those to whom it would be most valuable. Moreover, we do not have journals covering applications and the implementation of security techniques, topics which are important in industry and the business world. In this new century, The International Journal of Information Security will provide prompt publication of important technical work in information security, whether theoretical, applicable, or related to implementation. The intended audience includes any person, whether active in the technology or not, whose interests in communications, commerce, banking, medicine, or other areas of endeavor are affected by information security. The intended author is a technical specialist with the skill and commitment to presenting recent advances in information security to a broad audience around the world. The intended review process will be peer review by members of the editorial board, with recourse to outside experts where appropriate. The scope of the International Journal of Information Security (IJIS) is theory, applications, and implementations of information security. This includes, but is not limited to: /// system security - intrusion detection, secure end systems, secure operating systems, database security, security infrastructures, security evaluation /// network security - Internet security, firewalls, mobile security, security agents, protocols, anti-virus and anti-hacker measures /// content protection - software protection, tamper resistant software /// applications - electronic commerce, electronic government, health, telecommunications, mobility /// foundations - privacy, access control, authentication, identification, applied cryptography, formal methods in information security

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