International Nursing Review

Journal Title

  • International Nursing Review


  • E 1466-7657 | P 0020-8132 | 1466-7657 | 0020-8132


  • Blackwell Publishing Inc.
  • Wiley-Blackwell

Listed on(Coverage)

A & HCI2010


  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • International Nursing Review (INR) is the official journal of the International Council of Nurses (ICN). It is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that focuses predominantly on nursing and health policy issues of relevance to nurses. INR welcomes original articles that help to forward ICN’s global mission by representing nursing, advancing the profession and shaping health policy. ICN also contributes to the ongoing development of nursing internationally with its regular section on International Perspectives. The diverse international readership of INR is located in more than 130 countries*. Published both in hard copy and online, INR is a key resource for nurses and health policy makers worldwide. INR encourages unsolicited original manuscripts where nurses describe the policy relevance of their work and document their experience and research. Authors are encouraged to develop a ‘global intelligence’ on nursing and to address INR’s diverse audience by exploring beyond local or national interests to the more general, global application of the principles underlying their work. Background information on the local arrangements for nursing and health care in a country also provides useful context for this global readership. Policy concerns of this journal are as follows: regulation of the profession, workplace issues, innovations in practice, patient safety, quality improvement education, ethics, nurses’ and midwives’ work-life experiences, and the impact of globalization and technology on nursing and health and social policy. *Each copy is also published in Spanish, courtesy of the National Nursing Association of Spain. 3,811 institutions in developing countries also receive INR through HINARI (Health InterNetwork for the Access to Research Initiative) or INASP (International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications) at a free or reduced rate.

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