The mission of JAMA Neurology is to publish scientific information primarily important for those physicians caring for people with neurologic disorders but also for those interested in the structure and function of the normal and diseased nervous system. These specific aims are (1) to make timely publication of original research of the nervous system, (2) to record observations of single patients or groups of patients that will provide new information and insights, (3) to report more basic research that is pertinent to the understanding of disease, (4) to introduce topics of practice, ethics, teaching, and history that are useful, and (5) to provide a forum for discussion on topics that may be controversial in this field. This information will be published only after extensive peer review so that originality, clarity, and precision are ensured.
Kim, Dong-Eog; Park, Jong-Ho; Schellingerhout, Dawid; Ryu, Wi-Sun; Lee, Su-Kyoung; Jang, Mm Uk; Jeong, Sang-Wuk; Na, Jeong-Yong; Park, Jung E.; Lee, Eun Ja, et al.
ArticleIssue Date2019CitationJAMA NEUROLOGY, v.76, no.1, pp.72 - 80PublisherAMER MEDICAL ASSOC
Hong, Keun-Sik; Kwon, Sun U.; Lee, Sang Hun; Lee, Ji Sung; Kim, Yong-Jae; Song, Tae-Jin; Kim, Young Dae; Park, Man-Seok; Kim, Eung-Gyu; Cha, Jae-Kwan, et al.
ArticleIssue Date2017CitationJAMA NEUROLOGY, v.74, no.10, pp.1206 - 1215PublisherAMER MEDICAL ASSOC