Journal of Coatings Technology and Research

Journal Title

  • Journal of Coatings Technology and Research


  • E 1935-3804 | P 1547-0091 | 1547-0091 | 1935-3804


  • Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • Journal of Coatings Technology and Research (JCTR) is published by Springer under license from and in cooperation with the American Coatings Association (ACA). JCTR is a forum for the exchange of original research, experience, knowledge and ideas among those with a professional interest in the science, technology and manufacture of functional, protective and decorative coatings including, but not limited to, paints, inks and related coatings and their raw materials. The following classes of papers can be submitted to the journal: RESEARCH papers describing original fundamental and applied investigations of the chemistry, physics, materials science, and related engineering studies relevant to surface coatings; APPLICATIONS papers emphasizing the use of experimental methods for the solution of significant technological problems in the design, formulation, manufacture, application, use and performance of surface coatings; REVIEW articles providing broad, critical overviews of current and emerging advances in coatings science; BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS for publication of significant original research results of limited scope (notes) or of immediate importance and impact (letters). Authors submitting review articles or brief communications should designate them as such in a cover letter. Papers in which proprietary products or processes are promoted for commercial purposes are specifically not acceptable for publication in JCTR. Manuscripts focused principally on commercial practice, business and manufacturing features, and related topics should be submitted to the member journals of ACA, JCT CoatingsTech for consideration. Please consult the ACA Editorial Offices of the journal for further information on submissions for the member journals. To obtain a copy of the Journal of Coatings Technology and Research Guidelines for Authors, visit

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