Journal of International Consumer Marketing

Journal Title

  • Journal of International Consumer Marketing


  • P 0896-1530 | 0896-1530


  • Haworth Press Inc.
  • Haworth Press

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • The Journal of International Consumer Marketing examines consumer and organizational buyer behavior on a cross-cultural/national and global scale combining up-to-date research with practical applications to help you develop an action plan for successful marketing strategy development. Business professionals, policymakers, and academics share insights and inside information on a wide range of cross-cultural marketing issues, including international business customs, negotiating styles, consumer brand loyalty, price sensitivity, purchasing and leasing, consumer satisfaction (and dissatisfaction), and advertising. This invaluable research outlet analyzes a variety of geographic and cultural perspectives from around the word, including China, India, Germany, Western Europe, Africa, Australia, Southeast Asia, Scandinavia, Japan, and Latin America, as well as the NAFTA countries of Mexico, Canada, and the United States. The Journal of International Consumer Marketing is your guide to consumerism in diverse cultures, putting research findings to work developing effective global management and marketing strategies. Contributors provide fresh ideas and innovative concepts for addressing the cross-cultural/national and comparative consumer behavior issues and concerns that affect banks and other financial institutions, government departments, international trade organizations, research institutions, consultants, and publicly owned corporations. This unique journal analyzes a wide range of topics, including travel and tourist behavior, consumer behavior toward service institutions, advertising agency-client relationships, organizational, industrial, and intermediate buyer behavior, and market segmentation. The Journal of International Consumer Marketing examines the global aspects of: /// product placement planning /// buyer-seller relationships /// e-commerce /// Internet banking /// relationship selling /// online shopping /// consumer ethics /// impulse buying /// celebrity endorsements /// Web communication strategies /// consumer ethnocentrism /// green purchasing behavior /// brand association /// marketing sacred goods /// and much more! The Journal of International Consumer Marketing is an invaluable resource for professionals who deal with overseas customers and/or cater to the needs of international consumers. It is equally important for academics, consultants, and business researchers interested in cross-cultural/national consumer marketing issues.

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