Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology

Journal Title

  • Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology


  • E 1793-6810 | P 0219-5194 | 0219-5194 | 1793-6810


  • World Scientific

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • This journal has as its objective the publication and dissemination of original research (even for revolutionary concepts that contrast with existing theories & hypothesis) in all fields of engineering-mechanics that includes mechanisms, processes, bio-sensors and bio-devices in medicine, biology and healthcare. The journal publishes original papers in English which contribute to an understanding of biomedical engineering and science at a nano- to macro-scale or an improvement of the methods and techniques of medical, biological and clinical treatment by the application of advanced high technology. Journal's Research Scopes/Topics Covered (but not limited to): /// Artificial Organs, Biomechanics of Organs. /// Biofluid Mechanics, Biorheology, Blood Flow Measurement Techniques, Microcirculation, Hemodynamics. /// Bioheat Transfer and Mass Transport, Nano Heat Transfer. /// Biomaterials. /// Biomechanics & Modeling of Cell and Molecular. /// Biomedical Instrumentation and BioSensors that implicate 'human mechanics' in details. /// Biomedical Signal Processing Techniques that implicate 'human mechanics' in details. /// Bio-Microelectromechanical Systems, Microfluidics. /// Bio-Nanotechnology and Clinical Application. /// Bird and Insect Aerodynamics. /// Cardiovascular/Cardiac mechanics. /// Cardiovascular Systems Physiology/Engineering. /// Cellular and Tissue Mechanics/Engineering. /// Computational Biomechanics/Physiological Modelling, Systems Physiology. /// Clinical Biomechanics. /// Hearing Mechanics. /// Human Movement and Animal Locomotion. /// Implant Design and Mechanics. /// Mathematical modeling. /// Mechanobiology of Diseases. /// Mechanics of Medical Robotics. /// Muscle/Neuromuscular/Musculoskeletal Mechanics and Engineering. /// Neural- & Neuro-Behavioral Engineering. /// Orthopedic Biomechanics. /// Reproductive and Urogynecological Mechanics. /// Respiratory System Engineering. /// Sports Mechanics, Joint Mechanics, RSA, Motion Analysis. /// Therapeutic Physics and Rehabilitation Engineering. /// Other topics that implicate 'mechanics' in medicine, biology and healthcare.

Article List

1 - 12 out of 12 results.