Journal of Sport Rehabilitation

Journal Title

  • Journal of Sport Rehabilitation


  • E 1543-3072 | P 1056-6716 | 1543-3072 | 1056-6716


  • Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • The editorial mission of JSR is to advance the understanding of all aspects of sport rehabilitation, particularly in the areas of therapeutic exercise, therapeutic modalities, injury evaluation, and the psychological aspects of rehabilitation. JSR publishes peer-reviewed original research, systematic reviews/meta-analyses, critically appraised topics (CATs), case studies/series, and technical reports that directly affect the management and rehabilitation of injuries incurred during sport-related activities, irrespective of the individual’s age, gender, sport ability, level of fitness, or health status. The journal is intended to provide an international, multidisciplinary forum to serve the needs of all members of the sports medicine team, including athletic trainers/therapists, sport physical therapists/physiotherapists, sports medicine physicians, and other health care and medical professionals. Original Research Reports. JSR publishes original research reports on all aspects of the sport and exercise rehabilitation process. Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses. These manuscripts are systematic, critical assessments of literature and data sources pertaining to clinical topics. Emphasis should include cause, diagnosis, prognosis, therapeutic intervention, therapeutic rehabilitation, or prevention. Critically Appraised Topics (CATs). JSR encourages submission of CATs, which provide evidence-based clinicians a brief summary of available evidence focused around a specific clinical question in sport rehabilitation. A CAT is shorter and undergoes a less rigorous critical review for answering a clinical question than a systematic review. Case Studies. JSR publishes case studies that present carefully recorded observations of rehabilitation programs or processes among sport and exercise participants. Case studies must present unusual or rare injuries or conditions or present unique approaches to common ones. They should present a unique rehabilitation or treatment that leads to an increased standard of care. Technical Reports. JSR publishes, online only, short articles that present results related to a new or modified method, instrument, or clinical technique; validity/reliability or methods; or an important experimental observation within the scope of the journal. JSR will also publish special issues that are oriented toward a specific sport rehabilitation theme. The editor solicits special issue topic suggestions.

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