Medical Teacher

Journal Title

  • Medical Teacher


  • E 1466-187X | P 0142-159X | 1466-187X | 0142-159X


  • Taylor & Francis

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • Medical Teacher addresses the needs of teachers and administrators throughout the world involved in training for the health professions. This includes courses at basic and post-basic levels, as well as the increasingly important area of continuing education. Medical Teacher provides accounts of new teaching methods, guidance on structuring courses and assessing achievement, and serves as a forum for communication between medical teachers and those involved in general education. In particular, the journal recognizes the problems teachers have in keeping up-to-date with the developments in educational methods that lead to more effective teaching and learning at a time when the content of the curriculum—from medical procedures to policy changes in health care provision—is also changing. The journal features reports of innovation and research in medical education, case studies, survey articles, practical guidelines, reviews of current literature and book reviews. All articles are peer reviewed. A characteristic of the journal is its series of regular features, including: /// Twelve Tips - practical advice in the form of twelve short hints or tips for those working in a selected area. /// How We... - a look at what is involved in implementing a practical idea or topic in medical education. /// Around the World - each paper in this feature area focuses on medical education in a particular country or region. /// Personal Views - present and reflect the author's personal experience or viewpoint. /// Commentaries - reflect the views of the author, while reflecting what has already been written on a topic of current interest. /// And finally... - News and Notes, Jottings by ‘Saquarrah’ and Do You Know? /// eMedical Teacher - keeping in touch with innovations in technology.

Article List

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