Nursing Inquiry

Journal Title

  • Nursing Inquiry


  • E 1440-1800 | P 1320-7881 | 1440-1800 | 1320-7881


  • Blackwell Publishing Inc.
  • Wiley-Blackwell

Listed on(Coverage)

A & HCI2010


  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • Nursing Inquiry aims to stimulate examination of nursing's current and emerging practices, conditions and contexts within an expanding international community of ideas. The journal aspires to excite thinking and stimulate action toward a preferred future for health and healthcare by encouraging critical reflection and lively debate on matters affecting and influenced by nursing from a range of disciplinary angles, scientific perspectives, analytic approaches, social locations and philosophical positions. Toward this end, the Editor welcomes original research and discussion articles on a wide range of topics. Examples of the kinds of manuscripts that may be considered for publication include the following: 1. Substantive research that draws upon ideas from the humanities or social science perspectives to investigate and interpret nursing and healthcare practices, technologies and trends. 2. Substantive research that uses methodological innovation within empirical investigation to shed new light on health phenomena. 3. International or comparative perspectives on health, health care delivery, human health resources, health promotion or health planning from a global perspective. 4. Policy analysis that critically examines controversial or timely matters such as evolving health labour workforce, transitions in service delivery systems, or trends in health funding patterns. 5. Advancement of methodological approaches and frameworks to enrich and extend the capacity of nursing and healthcare inquiry. 6. Ethical inquiry that illuminates or challenges the assumptions underlying the everyday practices and policies affecting nursing and healthcare. 7. Philosophical inquiries that stimulate thought, deconstruct ideologies or challenge conformities related to the nature and expression of nursing and healthcare. 8. Historical research that revisits the assumptions upon which professional narratives have been built. 9. Critical integrative reviews of the current state of scientific and/or non-scientific knowledge in relation to conceptualization, practice, delivery or planning of health systems. 10. Discussion or opinion papers providing critical commentary on current trends, policies or practices in nursing.

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