Pervasive and Mobile Computing

Journal Title

  • Pervasive and Mobile Computing


  • E 1873-1589 | P 1574-1192 | 1574-1192 | 1873-1589


  • Elsevier BV
  • Elsevier

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • As envisioned by Mark Weiser as early as 1991, pervasive computing systems and services have truly become integral parts of our daily lives. Tremendous developments in a multitude of technologies ranging from personalized and embedded smart devices (e.g., smartphones, sensors, wearables, IoTs, etc.) to ubiquitous connectivity, via a variety of wireless mobile communications and cognitive networking infrastructures, to advanced computing techniques (including edge, fog and cloud) and user-friendly middleware services and platforms have significantly contributed to the unprecedented advances in pervasive and mobile computing. Cutting-edge applications and paradigms have evolved, such as cyber-physical systems and smart environments (e.g., smart city, smart energy, smart transportation, smart healthcare, etc.) that also involve human in the loop through social interactions and participatory and/or mobile crowd sensing, for example. The goal of pervasive computing systems is to improve human experience and quality of life, without explicit awareness of the underlying communications and computing technologies. The Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal (PMC) is a high-impact, peer-reviewed technical journal that publishes high-quality scientific articles spanning theory and practice, and covering all aspects of pervasive and mobile computing and systems. Topics include, but not limited to: /// Pervasive Computing and Communications Architectures and Protocols /// Pervasive, Mobile and Wearable Computing Systems and Services /// Cyber-Physical Systems and Cyber-Physical Social Systems /// Smart Systems and Applications (smart cities, smart manufacturing, smart transportation, smart grid, smart health, etc.) /// Smart Spaces and Intelligent Environments /// Smart Computing /// Cognitive Computing /// Social Computing /// Internet of Things and Social Internet of Things /// Internet of People /// Edge, Fog, Mobile Cloud and Opportunistic Computing /// AI and Big Data Analytics in Pervasive Computing Systems /// Urban Sensing and Mobile Crowdsensing /// Participatory and Social Sensing /// Enabling Communication Technologies (e.g., wireless LANs, cellular, hybrid, ad hoc and cognitive networks) /// Wireless Sensors Networks and RFID Technologies /// Machine-to-Machine and Device-to-Device Communications /// Positioning, Localization and Tracking Technologies /// Algorithmic Paradigms for Pervasive Computing Systems /// Activity Recognition and Tracking /// Context-aware Computing /// Location-based Services and Applications /// Service Creation, Composition, Discovery, Management, and Delivery /// Middleware Systems and Services /// Human User Interfaces and Interaction Models /// Trust, Reliability, Security, and Privacy in Pervasive and Mobile Computing Systems /// Performance Evaluation of Pervasive and Mobile Computing Systems

Article List

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