Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Journal Title

  • Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications


  • E 1873-2119 | P 0378-4371


  • Elsevier BV

Listed on(Coverage)

JCR 1997-2019
SJR 1999-2019
CiteScore 2011-2019
SCI 2010-2019
SCIE 2010-2021
CC 2016-2021
SCOPUS 2017-2020


  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • Physica A publishes research in the field of statistical mechanics and its applications. Statistical mechanics sets out to explain the behaviour of macroscopic systems by studying the statistical properties of their microscopic constituents. Applications of the techniques of statistical mechanics are widespread, and include: applications to physical systems such as solids, liquids and gases; applications to chemical and biological systems (colloids, interfaces, complex fluids, polymers and biopolymers, cell physics); and other interdisciplinary applications to for instance biological, economical and sociological systems. Specific subfields covered by the journal are: /// Random systems /// Fluids, granular and soft matter /// Dynamical processes /// Fundamental and general methods /// Models /// Biological, ecological and evolutionary systems /// Econophysics /// Other Interdisciplinary applications /// Other Complex systems /// Networks /// Systems Biology /// Classical and quantum information

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