Rapid Prototyping Journal

Journal Title

  • Rapid Prototyping Journal


  • E 1758-7670 | P 1355-2546 | 1355-2546 | 1758-7670


  • Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
  • Emerald

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • Rapid Prototyping Journal is the world's leading journal covering additive manufacturing (AM) and related technologies. The journal concentrates on development in a manufacturing environment but covers applications in other areas, such as medicine and construction. All papers published in this field are scattered over a wide range of international publications, none of which actually specializes in this particular discipline, this journal is a vital resource for anyone involved in additive manufacturing. It draws together important refereed papers on all aspects of AM from distinguished sources all over the world, to give a truly international perspective on this dynamic and exciting area. For a full list of the journal's review board, please see below. Coverage /// Benchmarking – certification and qualification in AM /// Mass customisation in AM /// Design for AM /// Materials aspects /// Reviews of processes/applications /// CAD and other software aspects /// Enhancement of existing processes /// Integration with design process /// Management implications /// New AM processes /// Novel applications of AM parts /// AM for tooling /// Medical applications /// Reverse engineering in relation to AM /// Additive & Subractive hybrid manufacturing /// Industrialisation Rapid Prototyping Journal is indexed and abstracted in: /// Academic Source Complete /// Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Computer Science - Business Information Systems and Management /// CSA Engineering Research Database /// CSA High Technology; Research Database with Aerospace /// CSA Materials Research Database with METADEX /// CSA Technology Research Database /// EBSCO /// EI Compendex /// Engineering Index /// INSPEC /// Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition /// Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals /// ProQuest Science Journals /// QUALIS /// ReadCube Discover /// Recent Advances in Manufacturing Database (RAM) /// TOC Premier /// Zetoc And ranked in: /// Science Citation Index Expanded SCIE (Clarivate Analytics) /// Scopus Rapid Prototyping Journal is available as part of an online subscription to the Emerald Engineering eJournals Collection. For more information, please email collections@emeraldinsight.com or visit the Emerald Engineering eJournals Collection page.

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