Stem cells translational medicine open-access icon

Journal Title

  • Stem cells translational medicine


  • E 2157-6580 | P 2157-6564 | 2157-6580 | 2157-6564


  • AlphaMed Press

Listed on(Coverage)


OA Info.

OAopen-access icon

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  • 2018;2019;2020;2021;
Keywordscellular therapy, clinical translation, regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, gene therapy
Review ProcessBlind peer review
Journal info. pages
LicencesCC BY-NC-ND
DOAJ Coverage
  • Added on Date : 2017-11-21T14:55:37Z
Subject(s)Medicine: Medicine (General) | Science: Biology (General): Cytology


  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • STEM CELLS Translational Medicine MISSION STATEMENT STEM CELLS Translational Medicine is a monthly, peer-reviewed, largely online, open access journal. STEM CELLS Translational Medicine works to advance the utilization of cells for clinical therapy. By bridging stem cell molecular and biological research and helping speed translations of emerging lab discoveries into clinical trials, STEM CELLS Translational Medicine will help move applications of these critical investigations closer to accepted best patient practices and ultimately improve outcomes. FOCUS The journal encourages original research articles and concise reviews describing laboratory investigations of stem cells, including their characterization and manipulation, and the translation of their clinical aspects of from the bench to patient care. STEM CELLS Translational Medicine covers all aspects of translational cell studies, including bench research, first-in-human case studies, and relevant clinical trials. STEM CELLS Translational Medicine covers: /// Human Clinical Articles /// First in human case studies /// Phase I/II clinical trials /// Negative clinical results /// Pluripotent Stem Cells /// Derivation, characterization, and differentiation for clinical use /// Cell banking /// Therapeutic potential /// Animal models /// Translational preclinical studies /// Clinical applications /// First-in-human case studies /// Phase I/II clinical trials /// Negative clinical results /// Cord Blood /// Umbilical cord blood and tissue based therapies /// Accessory cell populations /// Ex-vivo expansion strategies /// Engineering and manufacturing of cord blood immune cells /// Modulation of endogenous cell and tissue repair /// Cord blood and cord tissue banking /// Malignant and non-malignant diseases treated by cord blood transplantation /// Cord blood and cord tissue in regenerative medicine /// Fetal and Neonatal Stem Cells /// Derivation, characterization, and differentiation for clinical use /// Cell banking /// Therapeutic potential /// Animal models /// Translational preclinical studies /// Clinical applications /// First-in-human case studies /// Phase I/II clinical trials /// Negative clinical results /// Tissue-Specific Progenitor and Stem Cells /// Derivation, characterization, and differentiation for clinical use /// Cell banking /// Therapeutic potential /// Animal models /// Translational preclinical studies /// Clinical applications /// First-in-human case studies /// Phase I/II clinical trials /// Negative clinical results /// Cell-Based Drug Development, Screening, and Toxicology /// Derivation, characterization, and differentiation for clinical use /// In vivo models /// In vitro models /// Throughput systems /// Enabling Technologies for Cell-Based Clinical Translation /// Cell tracking /// Cell delivery vehicles /// Biomaterials /// Devices /// Imaging /// Diagnostics /// Cancer Stem Cells /// Characterization /// Therapeutic targets /// Animal models /// Translational pre-clinical studies /// Clinical applications /// First-in-human case studies /// Phase I/II clinical trials /// Negative clinical results /// Standards, Protocols, Policies, and Regulations for Cell-Based Therapies /// Cell standards /// Intellectual property relevant to clinical translation /// Cell toxicology/tumorigenesis and other assays /// Regulations for clinical trials /// Manufacturing for Regenerative Medicine /// GMP aspects /// Cell-based processing/expansion /// Cell-based potency/storage /// Quality assurance/control /// Scale-up and production /// Cell-based therapies release criteria /// Regulations for manufacturing /// Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine /// Applications for cell-based strategies in pathological conditions /// Tissue engineering /// Medical device and artificial organ development /// Cell transplantation and technologies that will maintain, improve, or restore the function of diseased organs /// Therapeutic potential /// Animal models /// Translational pre-clinical studies /// Clinical applications /// First-in-human case studies /// Phase I/II clinical trials /// Negative clinical results Abstracting and Indexing Information /// Biomedical Reference Collection: Corporate Edition (EBSCO, full text coverage) /// Biotechnology Source (EBSCO, full text coverage) /// MEDLINE Complete with Full Text (EBSCO, full text coverage) /// EMBASE (Elsevier) /// Scopus (Elsevier) /// PubMed, via both MEDLINE indexing & PMC deposit /// Biological Abstracts (Clarivate Analytics) /// BIOSIS Previews (Clarivate Analytics) /// Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics) /// Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) /// Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)

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