ZooKeys open-access icon

Journal Title

  • ZooKeys


  • E 1313-2970 | P 1313-2989 | 1313-2970 | 1313-2989


  • Pensoft Publishers

Listed on(Coverage)


OA Info.

OAopen-access icon

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  • 2017;2018;2019;2020;2021;
Keywordssystematic zoology, taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography, evolution
Review ProcessBlind peer review
Journal info. pages
LicencesCC BY
DOAJ Coverage
  • Added on Date : 2009-06-25T09:20:29Z
Subject(s)Science: Zoology


  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • ZooKeys is a peer-reviewed, open-access, rapidly disseminated journal launched to accelerate research and free information exchange in taxonomy, phylogeny, biogeography and evolution of animals. ZooKeys aims to apply the latest trends and methodologies in publishing and preservation of digital materials to meet the highest possible standards of the cybertaxonomy era. ZooKeys publishes papers in systematic zoology containing taxonomic/faunistic data on any taxon of any geological age from any part of the world with no limit to manuscript size. To respond to the current trends in linking biodiversity information and synthesizing the knowledge through technology advancements, ZooKeys also publishes papers across other taxon-based disciplines, such as ecology, molecular biology, genomics, evolutionary biology, paleontology, behavioural science, bioinformatics, etc. ZooKeys will consider for publishing works on the following topics: /// descriptions of new taxa, if they are accomplished with proper diagnoses, keys and/or revision of at least at species group level /// taxonomic revisions of extant (or ''recent'') and fossil animal groups /// checklists and catalogues /// phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses /// papers in descriptive and/or historical biogeography /// methodology papers /// data mining and literature surveys /// monographs, conspecti, atlases /// collections of papers, Festschrift volumes, conference proceedings Extensive faunistic overviews on a group in a country or larger region are welcome. Short faunistic contributions may be considered if they are based on significant or unexpected discovery. Regular faunistic contributions may eventually be published in special issues devoted to a region/country. Papers containing identification keys will be considered for publishing with priority. Extensive manuscripts consisting mostly of keys will be considered for publishing as well. The minimum requirements for publishing a description of a single species in ZooKeys is to provide: (1) a statement on type material and type locality, according to the ICZN requirements, (2) thorough description with good quality images, (3) a differential diagnosis, (4) identification key to at least the closest relatives of the new species, e.g. species group, (5) etymology, and (6) as much additional information as possible on the natural history, biology, distribution, and conservation status. Descriptions of single species are encouraged if they form part of a work of broader importance (e.g. key or revision of the species in a wide region; revision of the particular species group; separation of widespread cryptic species), or are of particular scientific importance (e.g. disease vector, representative of a new genus, sister-group of a large clade), or are exceptional in some respect (e.g. species in danger of extinction, large extension of the geographical range of a higher taxon). The following categories of papers will be considered: /// original research articles /// reviews - longer articles, offering a comprehensive overview, historical analysis or/and future perspectives of a topic /// monographs and collections of papers with no limit in size, published as 'special issues' /// short communications /// letters and discussion papers /// book reviews The journal publishes electronic versions of the articles when these are ready to publish, without delays that might be caused by completion of an issue. These electronic versions are not pre-prints but final and immutable (Version of Record), hence available for the purposes of biological nomenclature. The date indicated on the electronic version is to be considered the actual publication date. ISBN numbers will be assigned to large monographic papers (i.e., major revisions of taxa, min 100 pp), collections of papers, Festschrift volumes, atlases, checklists, conspecti.

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