Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining

Journal Title

  • Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining


  • E 1932-1031 | P 1932-104X | 1932-104X | 1932-1031


  • John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Wiley-Blackwell

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10


  • USA

Aime & Scopes

  • Topics covered by the journal include: Feedstock design and production /// Plant biology for the design of biomass feedstocks,including cell wall composition and the production of chemicalswithin the plant /// Plant biotechnology and genomics for the design of biomassfeedstocks /// Agriculture, agronomy, forestry and silviculture inrelation to feedstock production /// Utilisation of organic residues, including animal fats, asfeedstock for biobased products Biomass treatment and conversion /// Biomass pretreatment and fractionation, including chemicaland physical methods /// Enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass to sugars, including novelenzyme discovery /// Biological and chemical conversion of sugars to chemicalsand other bioproducts (including fermentation, metabolicengineering of microbes and novel catalysts) /// Thermochemical conversion technologies, includinggasification and pyrolysis of biomass, as well as cleaning andconditioning of the resultant gaseous or liquid fuels /// Transesterification of vegetable and animal oils to producebiodiesel, including novel catalysts /// Optimisation of biodiesel quality and stability, includinguse as a fuel additive Separation and process technology /// Separation and purification of biomass-derived fuels andchemicals, including green chemistry /// Biorefinery process integration Industrial development /// A systems approach to growing, harvesting, supplying andprocessing biomass into products /// Matching biobased products with market needs, includinginstitutional and consumer/market barriers to the increased useof biobased products /// Sustainability of biobased fuels and chemicals, includingsustainability framework and criteria development /// Integrating the production of food, feed and traditionalforest products with biobased fuels and chemicals /// Implications of expanding biobased fuel and chemicalproduction for the forest and agriculture sectors, includingland use competition as well as symbiotic interactions. /// Biofuel cells Business and commercial news content /// Updates on fossil fuels and other traditional sources offuel and chemicals /// Business digest, including the state of play of largecompanies /// Patent news /// IP commercialisation news /// Supply chain issues /// Supply and demand drivers.

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