Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment

Journal Title

  • Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment


  • E 1435-9537 | P 1435-9529 | 1435-9537 | 1435-9529


  • Springer Verlag
  • Springer Nature

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • Engineering geology is defined in the statutes of the IAEG as the science devoted to the investigation, study and solution of engineering and environmental problems which may arise as the result of the interaction between geology and the works or activities of man, as well as of the prediction of and development of measures for the prevention or remediation of geological hazards. Engineering geology embraces: the definition of the geomorphology, structure, stratigraphy, lithology and ground water conditions of geological formations; the characterisation of the mineralogical, physico-geomechanical, chemical and hydraulic properties of all earth materials involved in construction, resource recovery and environmental change; the assessment of the mechanical and hydrological behaviour of soil and rock masses; the prediction of changes to the above properties with time; the determination of the parameters to be considered in the stability analysis of engineering works and earth masses; the improvement and maintenance of the environmental condition and properties of the terrain. The aims of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment are: /// to promote and encourage the advancement of engineering geology through technological activities and research; /// to improve teaching and training in engineering geology; /// and to collect, evaluate and disseminate the results of engineering geological activities on a world wide basis. These aims are pursued by: /// encouraging the formation of national groups of engineering geologists and their affiliation with the Association; /// the organisation of congresses, symposia and other meetings; /// the creation and operation of specialist commissions and other organisational units for the study of matters of interest to the Association; /// the publication of the scientific and technical achievements of members of the IAEG in the IAEG's own periodical and relevant news in the IAEG newsletter; /// and interacting with other scientific and technical associations as may be appropriate.

Article List

1 - 4 out of 4 results.