Catalysis Science and Technology

Journal Title

  • Catalysis Science and Technology


  • E 2044-4761 | P 2044-4753 | 2044-4761 | 2044-4753


  • Royal Society of Chemistry
  • RSC

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • atalysis Science & Technology is a leading international journal for the publication of the highest impact articles reporting cutting-edge developments across the catalysis science community. The journal places equal focus on publications from the heterogeneous, homogeneous, organocatalysis and biocatalysis communities, containing a balanced mix of fundamental, technology-oriented, experimental and computational original research and reviews, thus appealing to both academic and industrial scientists. Original research articles published in the journal must show new catalytic discoveries that are a significant advance on previously published work, bringing conceptual advances, or molecular insights to catalytic processes, and where appropriate, demonstrate the relationship between synthesis, structure and performance of catalytic systems. Kinetics and mechanisms are a central part of catalysis science and should be included in submitted articles. Examples of topics within the journal’s scope and the expected significance are: /// In-depth mechanistic insights through advanced methods and theoretical methods that are of significant and direct interest and impact in the science and application of catalysts and catalytic processes. Studies using concepts are preferred to trial and error optimisation /// New catalysts and/or processes for conversions of current and future interest within life sciences, pharmaceuticals, polymers, environmental protection, energy and fuels. Studies that report incremental improvement of catalytic performance will not be published in the journal /// New catalytic reactions with significant impact in addressing current challenges and societal demands, for example waste reduction, reduced energy use or efficient use of feedstocks /// Studies that relate chemical reactions at surfaces, reactivity of metal complexes, or macromolecular structure to catalytic function and processes. Studies emphasising sophisticated materials and properties with residual evidence of catalytic function will not be published in the journal /// Theoretical studies of materials and molecules (exhibiting catalytic turnover) that result in significantly greater performance or understanding of existing catalytic reactions /// Studies on multiscale modelling, for example, engineering of catalytic processes from the nano to the macroscale /// Synthesis strategies for inorganic materials, hybrid materials and macromolecules that can be used as catalysts or their supports. Studies that claim catalyst performance must support this with kinetic data and proper mass balances

Article List

1 - 6 out of 6 results.