Surfaces and Interfaces

Journal Title

  • Surfaces and Interfaces


  • 2468-0230


  • Elsevier

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • The aim of the journal is to provide a respectful outlet for 'sound science' papers in all research areas on surfaces and interfaces. We define sound science papers as papers that describe new and well-executed research, but that do not necessarily provide brand new insights or are merely a description of research results. Surfaces and Interfaces publishes research papers in all fields of surface science which may not always find the right home on first submission to our Elsevier sister journals.* The journal aims at being a fast and efficient platform for disseminating scientific results in this wide area of research. Fundamental, interdisciplinary, theoretical, experimental and applied work will be considered. The main topics covered by the journal are: /// Coatings and surface and interface engineering /// Smart applications of surfaces and interfaces /// Interfaces and thin films /// Nanostructured materials /// Surface engineering, modification and functionalization /// Characterization and analysis /// Physical deposition /// Theoretical calculations/modelling on surfaces and interfaces Please note that tribology and bio surfaces and interfaces are not in scope. Articles rejected after peer-review, that do not meet the standards of quality set by the Editors and referees of our sister journals, will be offered to be transferred to Surfaces and Interfaces. During the submission process the authors will be requested to provide the review comments of the rejected manuscript and a revised manuscript where the comments of the previous reviewers have been taken into account. The revised manuscript will then, together with the review reports, be assigned to one of the Editors who can take the final decision: accept/revise/reject. The Editor can at this stage accept the manuscript or send it out to one reviewer. Those reviewers will be asked to check the described scientific procedure and description of the work. But they will not be asked to comment on significance or the topic of the paper. The journal will also accept new submissions that will be directly assigned to an Editor who will manage the peer-review process. But articles submitted to Surfaces and Interfaces that meet the higher standards of quality and novelty set by our sister journals will be transferred to those journals.

Article List

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