Communication Research Reports

Journal Title

  • Communication Research Reports


  • P 0882-4096 | 0882-4096


  • Routledge
  • Taylor & Francis

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • Communication Research Reports publishes original research in the form of brief empirical articles (approximately 3,500 words maximum, and no more than two tables or figures; accepted papers are usually edited to 10 double-spaced pages prior to press) on a variety of topics of human communication. Empirical studies in the general contexts of interpersonal, organizational, communication traits, intercultural, nonverbal, small group, health, persuasion, mass, political, relational, computer mediated, life-span, and instructional communication are appropriate for submission. Consistent with the mission of the journal, the main portion of submitted manuscripts should focus on the method, results, and interpretation of the results. However, manuscripts must contain a concise theoretical rationale and relevant literature review. All data analyses should report relevant effect size statistics, and we recommend reporting other diagnostics (such as, but not limited to: observed power, tests of significance inflation, and test of insufficient variance, among others) at the Author’s discretion. Papers that do not adhere to the required guidelines may be rejected by the editorial office. Select manuscripts that have gone through the review process and been received favorably by both reviewers and the Editor may be designated as Brief Reports. Brief Reports will be approximately 2000 words maximum, (with limited space for tables and figures; Brief Reports are usually edited to 5 double-spaced pages prior to press), with the focus highlighting a specific finding and its implications for the discipline. All sections traditionally included in a manuscript will be required, but must be brief and to the point. Authors interested in submitting Brief Reports as their original submission should contact the journal Editor prior to submission. CRR also encourage the submission of articles designates as a Spotlight on Method or Analysis. These articles will be solicited by the Editor and will take the form of either a Brief Report or Empirical Article (based on consultation with the Editor) highlighting topics that will range from novel methodological approaches and/or statistical techniques to common misconceptions/issues of contemporary controversy related to method/analysis. Such articles are prepared in close collaboration with the Editor, and may be peer reviewed. The Editor reserves the right to include one such manuscript in each issue of CRR. Authors interested in submitting method or analysis spotlights should contact the journal Editor prior to submission. Individuals who have Regular or Exchange member subscriptions to the journals of the Eastern Communication Association, Central States Communication Association, Western States Communication Association, and the Southern States Communication Association may register for online access to the access to the journals here Web-first: Communication Research Reports is a 'web-first' journal: subscribers will have access to the four issues online during the year, and will receive a printed archive volume at the end of the year.

Article List

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