Crop and Pasture Science

Journal Title

  • Crop and Pasture Science


  • E 1444-9838 | P 1836-0947 | 1444-9838 | 1836-0947


  • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Publishing

Listed on(Coverage)



  • Active

    based on the information

    • SCOPUS:2020-10



Aime & Scopes

  • Crop and Pasture Science (formerly known as Australian Journal of Agricultural Research) is an international journal publishing outcomes of strategic research in crop and pasture sciences and the sustainability of farming systems. The primary focus is broad-scale cereals, grain legumes, oilseeds and pastures. Articles are encouraged that advance understanding in plant-based agricultural systems through the use of well-defined and original aims designed to test a hypothesis, innovative and rigorous experimental design, and strong interpretation. The journal embraces experimental approaches from molecular level to whole systems, and the research must present novel findings and progress the science of agriculture. Crop and Pasture Science is read by agricultural scientists and plant biologists, industry, administrators, policy-makers, and others with an interest in the challenges and opportunities facing world agricultural production. To facilitate accessibility and clarity, research papers should address a clearly enunciated hypothesis, and the Abstract should define the novel outcomes. Specific areas of interest include: /// Centres of origin and diversity of crop and pasture species and associating these centres with traits of agronomic interest, including quality and disease resistance /// Plant genetic improvement using molecular or traditional approaches. Papers which map QTLs for metric traits and which can validate the utility of the markers in breeding will be particularly relevant. Genetic maps are not published unless they incorporate traits of agronomic value or concern comparative mapping among species of agricultural relevance /// Transgenic research should show a direct relevance to agriculture. Papers demonstrating improvement for traits not readily amenable to traditional breeding are important /// Genotype X environment research and innovative statistical approaches to understanding G X E /// Plant soil relations /// Plant water relations /// Crop and pasture agronomy research, the findings of which advance the science of agriculture /// Plant pathology and entomology which increase our understanding of the biology of the interaction and lead to improved management. Research on the genetics of host parasite interactions is relevant /// Novel cropping options and systems to improve productivity and which attempt to present the findings in a broad context /// Integrated land and water resources management in agricultural systems /// Impacts of changing climate on crops, pastures and agricultural systems

Article List

1 - 1 out of 1 results.