고악성도 이하선암종에서 임상적으로 경부 임파선 전이가 없는 환자의 예방적 경부청소술의 필요성 : 예비 연구Necessity of Elective Neck Dissection in High Grade Parotid Cancer with Clinically Node Negative Neck : A Preliminary Study
- Other Titles
- Necessity of Elective Neck Dissection in High Grade Parotid Cancer with Clinically Node Negative Neck : A Preliminary Study
- Authors
- 손승범; 김연수; 조재구; 우정수; 최환; 박민우; 백승국; 정광윤; 성현영; 권순영
- Issue Date
- 2014
- Publisher
- 대한이비인후과학회 부산,울산,경남 지부회
- Keywords
- 고악성도 이하선암종; 예방적 경부절제술; 임상적 N0; 경부 잠재전이율; High grade parotid cancer; Elective neck dissection; Clinically node negative neck; Occult metastases rate
- Citation
- 임상이비인후과, v.25, no.1, pp 44 - 48
- Pages
- 5
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 임상이비인후과
- Volume
- 25
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 44
- End Page
- 48
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/100056
- 10.35420/jcohns.2014.25.1.44
- 1225-0244
- Abstract
- Background and Objectives:Lymph node metastases has a high prognostic value in patients with parotid gland carcinoma. However, a consensus regarding the indication of elective neck dissection (END) has not been reached. Most authors have advocated performing a neck dissection based on the histology of the primary parotid carcinoma and the tumor grade. Materials and Methods:A retrospective analysis was undertaken targeting 16 patients who were previously treated for primary carcinoma of the parotid gland with a clinically negative neck at Department of Otorhinolaryngology?Head and Neck Surgery. Eleven patients with high grade parotid carcinoma except two cases of the adenoid cystic carcinoma and three cases of low grade parotid carcinoma were evaluated to identify occult neck metastases. Results:Lymph node metastasis was detected in one (9.1 %) of the 11 patients with high grade parotid carcinoma who underwent elective neck dissection. One case of positive lymph node was squamous cell carcinoma as primary parotid cancer (33.3 %). Conclusions:Elective neck dissection seems to be necessary for the treatment of high grade parotid cancer with squamous cell carcinoma. However, there may be controversy over the cases of high grade parotid cancer except for the squamous cell carcinoma.
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