Diversity and satisfaction: Analysis of learners’ satisfaction according to the online learning interaction
- Authors
- Kim, J.M.; Park, K.N.; Kim, Y.
- Issue Date
- 2014
- Publisher
- Research India Publications
- Keywords
- Distance education; Elementary education; Interactive learning environments
- Citation
- International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, v.9, no.21, pp 9157 - 9166
- Pages
- 10
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
- Volume
- 9
- Number
- 21
- Start Page
- 9157
- End Page
- 9166
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/100790
- 0973-4562
- Abstract
- In online learning, the diversity of interactions contributes to increasing educational effectiveness and learners’ satisfaction. In this study, the tools and domains of interactivity provided through the nationwide online learning system of Korea were analyzed. In addition, this study aimed at examining if learners’ satisfaction increased when a larger number of interactive learning tools were available and various interactions were activated. Therefore, this study analyzed the various combinations of tools and domains of interactions provided by each of the regions of the nationwide online learning system between 2006 and 2012. At the same time, the satisfaction levels of students learning in relation to the domain and combinations of interactions activated were analyzed. As a result, it was found that the overall satisfaction of students learning was related to the interactions activated for their online learning experience. Interaction with fellow students was found to be especially helpful in learning. In particular, the methods of using the interactive learning tools, rather than quantity (i.e. high number), were found to increase satisfaction of online learning. The significance of this study is that it analyzed details of all the interactivity provided by the online learning system and identified the most helpful aspects of them. © Research India Publications.
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