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Measurement of the differential cross sections for isolated direct photon pair production in p(p)over-bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV

Abazov, V. M.Abbott, B.Acharya, B. S.Adams, M.Adams, T.Alexeev, G. D.Alkhazov, G.Alton, A.Anikeev, V. B.Askew, A.Atkins, S.Augsten, K.Avila, C.Badaud, E.Bagby, L.Baldin, B.Bandurin, D. V.Banerjee, S.Barberis, E.Baringer, P.Bartlett, J. F.Bassler, U.Bazterra, V.Bean, A.Begalli, M.Bellantoni, L.Beri, S. B.Bernardi, G.Bernhard, R.Bertram, I.Besancon, M.Beuselinck, R.Bhat, P. C.Bhatia, S.Bhatnagar, V.Blazey, G.Blessing, S.Bloom, K.Boehnlein, A.Boline, D.Boos, E. E.Borissov, G.Brandt, A.Brandt, O.Brock, R.Bross, A.Brown, D.Bu, X. B.Buehler, M.Buescher, V.Bunichev, V.Burdin, S.Buszello, C. P.Camacho-Perez, E.Casey, B. C. K.Castilla-Valdez, H.Caughron, S.Chakrabarti, S.Chakraborty, D.Chan, K. M.Chandra, A.Chapon, E.Chen, G.Cho, S. W.Choi, S.Choudhary, B.Cihangir, S.Claes, D.Clutter, J.Cooke, M.Cooper, W. E.Corcoran, M.Couderc, E.Cousinou, M. -C.Cutts, D.Das, A.Davies, Jong, S. J.De La Cruz-Burelo, E.Deliot, E.Demina, R.Denisov, D.Denisov, S. P.Desai, S.Deterre, C.DeVaughan, K.Diehl, H. T.Diesburg, M.Ding, P. F.Dominguez, A.Dubey, A.Dudko, L. V.Duperrin, A.Dutt, S.Dyshkant, A.Eads, M.Edmunds, D.Ellison, J.Elvira, V. D.Enari, Y.Evans, H.Evdokimov, V. N.Feng, L.Ferbel, T.Fiedler, F.Filthaut, F.Fisher, W.Fisk, H. E.Fortner, M.Fox, H.Fuess, S.Garcia-Bellido, A.Garcia-Gonzalez, J. A.Garcia-Guerra, G. A.Gavrilov, V.Geng, W.Gerber, C. E.Gershtein, Y.Ginther, G.Golovanov, G.Grannis, P. D.Greder, S.Greenlee, H.Grenier, G.Gris, Ph.Grivaz, J. -F.Grohsjean, A.Gruenendahl, S.Gruenewald, M. W.Guillemin, T.Gutierrez, G.Gutierrez, P.Haley, J.Han, L.Harder, K.Harel, A.Hauptman, J. M.Hays, J.Head, T.Hebbeker, T.Hedin, D.Hegab, H.Heinson, A. P.Heintz, U.Hensel, C.Heredia-De La Cruz, I.Herner, K.Hesketh, G.Hildreth, M. D.Hirosky, R.Hoang, T.Hobbs, J. D.Hoeneisen, B.Hogan, J.Hohlfeld, M.Howley, I.Hubacek, Z.Hynek, V.Iashvili, I.Ilchenko, Y.Illingworth, R.Ito, A. S.Jabeen, S.Jaffre, M.Jayasinghe, A.Jeong, M. S.Jesik, R.Jiang, R.Johns, K.Johnson, E.Johnson, M.Jonckheere, A.Jonsson, R.Joshi, J.Jung, A. W.Juste, A.Kajfasz, E.Karmanov, D.Katsanos, I.Kehoe, R.Kermiche, S.Khalatyan, N.Khanov, A.Kharchilava, A.Kharzheev, Y. N.Kiselevich, I.Kohli, J. M.Kozelov, A. V.Kraus, J.Kumar, A.Kupco, A.Kurca, T.Kuzmin, V. A.Lammers, S.Lebrun, P.Lee, H. S.Lee, S. W.Lee, W. M.Lei, X.Lellouch, J.Li, D.Li, H.Li, L.Li, Q. Z.Lim, J. K.Lincoln, D.Linnemann, J.Lipaev, V. V.Lipton, R.Liu, H.Liu, Y.Lobodenko, A.Lokajicek, Sa, R. LopesLuna-Garcia, R.Lyon, A. L.Maciel, A. K. A.Magana-Villalba, R.Malik, S.Malyshev, V. L.Mansour, J.Martinez-Ortega, J.McCarthy, R.McGivern, C. L.Meijer, M. M.Melnitchouk, A.Menezes, D.Mercadante, P. G.Merkin, M.Meyer, A.Meyer, J.Miconi, F.Mondal, N. K.Mulhearn, M.Nagy, E.Naimuddin, M.Narain, M.Nayyar, R.Neal, H. A.Negret, J. P.Neustroev, P.Nguyen, H. T.Nunnemann, T.Orduna, J.Osman, N.Osta, J.Padilla, M.Pal, A.Parashar, N.Parihar, V.Park, S. K.Partridge, R.Parua, N.Patwa, A.Penning, B.Perfilov, M.Peters, Y.Petridis, K.Petrillo, G.Petroff, P.Pleier, M. -A.Podesta-Lerma, P. L. M.Podstavkov, V. M.Popov, A. V.Prewitt, M.Price, D.Prokopenko, N.Qian, J.Quadt, A.Quinn, B.Rangel, M. S.Ratoff, P. N.Razumov, I.Ripp-Baudo, I.Rizatdinova, E.Rominsky, M.Ross, A.Royon, C.Rubinov, P.Ruchti, R.Sajot, G.Salcido, P.Sanchez-Hernandez, A.Sanders, M. P.Santos, A. S.Savage, G.Sawyer, L.Scanlon, T.Schamberger, R. D.Scheglov, Y.Schellman, H.Schwanenberger, C.Schwienhorst, R.Sekaric, J.Severini, H.Shabalina, E.Shary, V.Shaw, S.Shchukin, A. A.Shivpuri, R. K.Simak, V.Skubic, P.Slattery, P.Smirnov, D.Smith, K. J.Snow, G. R.Snow, J.Snyder, S.Soeldner-Rembold, S.Sonnenschein, L.Soustruznik, K.Stark, J.Stoyanova, D. A.Strauss, M.Suter, L.Svoisky, P.Titov, M.Tokmenin, V. V.Trusov, V.Tsai, Y. -T.Tsybychev, D.Tuchming, B.Tully, C.Uvarov, L.Uvarov, S.Uzunyan, S.Van Kooten, R.van Leeuwen, W. M.Varelas, N.Varnes, E. W.Vasilyev, I. A.Verkheev, A. Y.Vertogradov, L. S.Verzocchi, M.Vesterinen, M.Vilanova, D.Vokac, P.Wahl, H. D.Wang, M. H. L. S.Warchol, J.Watts, G.Wayne, M.Weichert, J.Welty-Rieger, L.White, A.Wicke, D.Williams, M. R. J.Wilson, G. W.Wobisch, M.Wood, D. R.Wyatt, T. R.Xie, Y.Yamada, R.Yang, S.Yasuda, T.Yatsunenko, Y. A.Ye, W.Ye, Z.Yin, H.Yip, K.Youn, S. W.Yu, J. M.Zennamo, J.Zhao, T. G.Zhou, B.Zhu, J.Zielinski, M.Zieminska, D.Zivkovic, L.
Issue Date
PHYSICS LETTERS B, v.725, no.1-3, pp.6 - 14
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We present measurements of direct photon pair production cross sections using 8.5 fb(-1) of data collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron p (p) over bar collider. The results are presented as differential distributions of the photon pair invariant mass d sigma/dM(gamma gamma), pair transverse momentum d sigma/dp(T)(gamma gamma) azimuthal angle between the photons d sigma/d Delta(phi)(gamma gamma), and polar scattering angle in the Collins-Soper frame d sigma/d vertical bar cos theta*vertical bar. Measurements are performed for isolated photons with transverse momenta p(T)(gamma) > 18 (17) GeV for the leading (next-to-leading) photon in P-T, pseudorapidities vertical bar eta(gamma)vertical bar < 0.9, and a separation in eta-phi space Delta R-gamma gamma > 0.4. We present comparisons with the predictions from Monte Carlo event generators DIPHOX and RESBOS implementing QCD calculations at next-to-leading order, 2 gamma NNLO at next-to-next-to-leading order, and SHERPA using matrix elements with higher-order real emissions matched to parton shower. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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