Diagnosis and Treatment of Lupus Nephritis: Survey Results on Four Important IssuesDiagnosis and Treatment of Lupus Nephritis: Survey Results on Four Important Issues
- Other Titles
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Lupus Nephritis: Survey Results on Four Important Issues
- Authors
- 주영빈; 성윤경; 박용범; 서창희; 심승철; 이영호; 이지수; 이혜순; 차훈석; 배상철
- Issue Date
- 2013
- Publisher
- 대한류마티스학회
- Keywords
- Lupus nephritis; Treatment; Guideline
- Citation
- 대한류마티스학회지, v.20, no.3, pp 156 - 165
- Pages
- 10
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 대한류마티스학회지
- Volume
- 20
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 156
- End Page
- 165
- https://scholar.korea.ac.kr/handle/2021.sw.korea/104477
- 2093-940X
- Abstract
- Objectives. To investigate the perception of and treatment pattern with regard to the four important issues in the management of lupus nephritis (LN), and to identify which parts of the LN treatment are difficult for physicians to carry out in clinical practice.
Methods. Four steps were carried out: pre-survey, LN symposium, post-survey, and meeting after the symposium.The two surveys were conducted with the same contents regarding renal biopsy, induction and maintenance treatment for class III and IV LN, and treatment for class V LN. The results of the first survey and the changes in opinion reflected in the second survey were comparatively analyzed.
Results. In the first survey, most of the respondent physicians replied that they would immediately conduct biopsy in the case of significant proteinuria. For the induction treatment of class III and IV LN, most of the respondent physicians selected high-dose cyclophosphamide. Mycophenolate mofetil and steroid combination therapy were selected for the maintenance treatment, and tacrolimus for the treatment of class V LN. There was a controversy in the drug selection, however, especially on the maintenance treatment of class III and IV LN and on the treatment of non-responsive class V LN.
Conclusion. Some discrepancies were found in the treatment of LN in the real world. Although no recommendation was made for Korean LN patients in this study, the study results will help physicians select the most reasonable treatment for Korean LN patients based on experts’ experiences and objective evidence.
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