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한국전쟁기 미 공군의 대북첩보활동― 도널드 니콜스(Donald Nichols)를 중심으로 ―USFA Counter-Intelligence against North Korea during the Korean War - with a focus on Donald Nichols -

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USFA Counter-Intelligence against North Korea during the Korean War - with a focus on Donald Nichols -
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Donald Nichols; Human Intelligence; Far East Air Force of United States; Office of Special Investigation; Air Intelligence Service Squadron; 도널드 니콜스; 인간첩보대; 미 극동공군; 특수조사처; 항공정보대
사림, no.46, pp.415 - 442
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Donald Nichols who belonged to FEAF(Far East Air Force) during the Korean war conducted US army counter-intelligence against North Korea. He was a founder of USAF HUMINT (US Air Force Human Intelligence) and so active in a war to be called ‘an expert of war’ or ‘a genius of intelligence’. Nichols came to ROK in 1946 September as a branch manager of the 607 CIC(Counter Intelligence Corps) and became a general of the 8th OSI(Office of Special Investigation) right after withdrawal of USFK(US Force in Korea). He took charge of the 6004 AISS(Air Intelligence Service Squadron) since 1951 May. He maintained his position until 1957 even if the 6004 AISS changed to the 6006 AISS in 1952 September. Nichols was a guaranteed wirepuller who had collected information regarding politics, military, and features even before the Korean war. He could predict the beginning date of Korean war exactly with his information network. After the outbreak of Korean war, he carried out counter-intelligence operation with commanding Korean soldiers and Korean special force under the support of the USAF. The 6004(6006) AISS under his command was a Korea-US joint special intelligence corps in the FEAF. The AISS took part in counter-intelligence activities such as collecting air information, infiltration into North Korea, rescue operation for pilots, and destruction and disruption of the enemy's rear. Nichols actively participated in the Korean war. For example, he gathered information with the founding the radio inspection corps, and captured North Korean's essential weapons like T-34 and MIG-15. Also he successfully carried out repression against guerilla warfare as well as special operation based on the coast. As a result, Nichols won the ‘Medal of Honor’ which was called the highest honor in the U.S force. The performance of Nichols in the Korean war could be possible with strong support from not only Syng Man Rhee but also Earle E. Partridge, a commander of the 5th USAF. His work played important role in the foundation of the ROKAF. Nichols' corps was a special one in its normal organization system. Nichols, who even did not have any rank insignia in his uniform, conducted the 6004(6006) corps and had the same rear area support as one fighter wing did by the FEAF. The monthly budget for his corps was huge. Nichols was a legendary hero in the intelligent war to the US force. However, he was criticised for intervention into Korean politics during the Korean war through torture, genocide and lots of Korean intelligence agents' death with reckless operations. It is not easy to gather plenty of the materials about intelligence war because most missions of the so called ‘invisible war’ were carried out in secret. Studying on the USAF's counter-intelligence warfare against North Korea during the Korean war besides Nichols' activities had many difficulties. We should lay a stress on combining Nichols' biography and his psychology including testimony form Korean agents with intelligence war to expand the study about Donald Nichols much more than now.
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