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고려후기 ‘士族’의 변혁세력 이미지 창출과 金方慶 후손Image Creation by the Reform Activists of the Late Goryeo Dynasty's Nobility and the Descendents of Kim Bang-gyeong(金方慶)

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Image Creation by the Reform Activists of the Late Goryeo Dynasty's Nobility and the Descendents of Kim Bang-gyeong(金方慶)
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Kim Bang-gyeong; Kim Guyong; Reform activist; new model of human; nobility(sajok[世族]; sadaeboo[士大夫]); objectification; image creation; self-selection; 김방경; 김구용; 변혁세력; 새로운 인간형; 세족; 사대부; 타자화; 이미지창출; 자기도태
한국중세사연구, no.37, pp.125 - 163
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In this thesis, I have investigated on the strategies used by the nobility(sajok; 世族) as a new power in the late Goryeo dynasty, in order to create the image of the reform activists, by examining the family of Kim Bang-gyeong, which can be summarized as below. The rising nobility(sinjin sadaebu; 新進士大夫), through creation of the character biographical literature (inmuljeon), proposed and practiced the new model of human and established the identity as the new power. Thus, they not only posed themselves as impeccable group with firm sense of ethics based on the moral standards of the neo-Confucianism, but also practiced the grave social responsibilities suitable to the era of revolution. Furthermore, calling themselves as the nobility (sajok, sain) they heightened the pride and sense of superiority as members of high class, created solid relationship through marriages, and sublimated it into the group consciousness. However, their efforts listed in the above fell short in many ways for them to settle as the new reform activists. The existing clans of the ruling authorities already used the similar strategies before. So the new power focused on another strategy to create their image as the reform activists by means of objectification. By objectifying the supernal bureaucrats and local officials and recording their immoral behaviors, the could socially select and further separate the influential family (kwonmoon; 權門) and the powerful clans (sejok) from themselves. Thus they were able to truly settle down as the new reform activists by the end of Goryeo dynasty. The above strategies used by the new power can be found in the analysis of Kim Bang-gyeong's family. The ultimate purpose of objectification was to eliminate bureaucrats of humble birth and establish the identity as the rising nobility. It was able to be completed by selecting or eliminating those with different political views or those who built different images as nobles. Hence, as ‘reform activists,’ establishing their identity and building social status was the ultimate goal of the objectification. Therefore, the objectification was implemented within the powerful clans, like those descendents of Kim Bang-gyeong. The selected people for objectification from the family of Kim Bang-gyeong were the socially recognized group, despite their flaws in the blood line, a person who tried to erase his ancestor's faults by relying on the political success of his son-in-law, someone who became the subject of criticism by serving Yuan dynasty when the banner was raised high against Yuan dynasty. Also those who became the subjects of criticism by participating in the Sindon regime, existed in the family. However, their existence did not have great influence on the family, because Kim Guyong and Kim Sahyung brothers were turned out as the representative reform activists of the time. Until the end of Goryeo dynasty, the family of Kim Bang-gyeong successfully became the new power from the representative clan and continued to rise until the beginning of Chosun dynasty.
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