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1940년대 전반 일본의 동북아지역 정치경제 인식 -동아광역경제론을 중심으로-Japanese Political-Economical Recognition for the Northeast Asian Region in the early 1940s

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Japanese Political-Economical Recognition for the Northeast Asian Region in the early 1940s
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고려대학교 역사연구소
동아광역경제권; 동아협동체론; 동아경제블록론; 대동아공영권; 식민지조선 재계; 전시기 동북아지역 역할분담론; 경성경제간화회; East Asia Great Sphere Economy; East Asian Community; East Asia Economic Block; Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere; Japanese Business circles in Colonia Korea; Northeaster Asia region’s sharing of roles for Japanese Imperialism in wartime; Keijo Keizai Konwakai
史叢(사총), no.80, pp.381 - 406
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The process of Japan’s imperial expansion itself was that of the invasion of Northeast Asian region. After making Korea as her colony in 1910, Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931(Manchurian Incident) and made it Manchukuo too. As a result, Japan has been secured Manchuria as an economic hinterland for herself. With Provocation of Sino-Japanese War on 1937, the Japanese army expanded its front to mainland China. The range of discourse about the Japanese imperial Economy was also in charge of the enlarged gradually. Japan has raised new economic theory that integrated the Northasia region with “Nichi-Man-Shi Keizai Burokku Ron(日滿支經濟ブロック論).”On the other hand, the conflict problems with Manchuria and Korea in the regional economic bloc has occurred too. But it can be said that this problem was the process of the integration between Korea and Manchuria for Japan in the terms of the Japanese economic hinterland. In the wake of Pacific War(1941) broke out, it was necessary to reconfigure the economic regional concept incorporating also Southeast Asia to Japan. Japan came up with the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere as a new economic regional theory incorporating also the resources and markets in Southeast Asia which had colonized by Western powers once. Although the concept of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere(大東亞共榮圈) had positioned the Southeast Asian region as a resource center for Japan in the end, it was not possible to derive the development effect immediate in the midst of war. Therefore, the importance of the resources on the Northeast Asia region should have been maintained for the time being. There was a possibility that Northeast Asia region was re-recognized as the processing area of Southeast Asia resources, if the region was secured well for Japan. The discourses such as East Asian Community(東亞協同體論) and East Asia Economic Block(東亞經濟ブロック論) was criticized their theoretical limits by the discourse of East Asia Great Sphere Economy(東亞廣域經濟論) which was the main economic theory of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. According to the discourse of East Asia Great Sphere Economy, the vertical economic division of labor was formed to some extent in the East Asia region. Japan tried to transfer to the Northeast Asia region some parts of economic role as the continental logistic bases that Japan was in charge. Korea and Manchuria were in the industrial center for carrying out the war and were set as the logistics base that was advanced in the continental Asia by Japanese Empire. In consideration of such aspects as described above, the emphasis on the role of the logistics base that was advanced in the continental Asia for Korea, has been discussed in the context of the advocacy that Northeaster Asia region was need to share some parts of Japanese Imperialism’s roles. At the discussion in Keijo Keizai Konwakai(京城經濟懇話會), Japanese Business circles in Colonial Korea had sympathized with the discourse of Northeaster Asia region’s sharing of roles for Japanese Imperialism in wartime.
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