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Measurement of the anomalous like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry with 9 fb(-1) of p(p)over-bar collisions

Abazov, V. M.Abbott, B.Acharya, B. S.Adams, M.Adams, T.Alexeev, G. D.Alkhazov, G.Alton, A.Alverson, G.Alves, G. A.Aoki, M.Arov, M.Askew, A.Asman, B.Atramentov, O.Avila, C.BackusMayes, J.Badaud, F.Bagby, L.Baldin, B.Bandurin, D. V.Banerjee, S.Barberis, E.Baringer, P.Barreto, J.Bartlett, J. F.Bassler, U.Bazterra, V.Beale, S.Bean, A.Begalli, M.Begel, M.Belanger-Champagne, C.Bellantoni, L.Beri, S. B.Bernardi, G.Bernhard, R.Bertram, I.Besancon, M.Beuselinck, R.Bezzubov, V. A.Bhat, P. C.Bhatnagar, V.Blazey, G.Blessing, S.Bloom, K.Boehnlein, A.Boline, D.Boos, E. E.Borissov, G.Bose, T.Brandt, A.Brandt, O.Brock, R.Brooijmans, G.Bross, A.Brown, D.Brown, J.Bu, X. B.Buehler, M.Buescher, V.Bunichev, V.Burdin, S.Burnett, T. H.Buszello, C. P.Calpas, B.Camacho-Perez, E.Carrasco-Lizarraga, M. A.Casey, B. C. K.Castilla-Valdez, H.Chakrabarti, S.Chakraborty, D.Chan, K. M.Chandra, A.Chen, G.Chevalier-Thery, S.Cho, D. K.Cho, S. W.Choi, S.Choudhary, B.Cihangir, S.Claes, D.Clutter, J.Cooke, M.Cooper, W. E.Corcoran, M.Couderc, F.Cousinou, M. -C.Croc, A.Cutts, D.Das, A.Davies, G.De, Jong, S. J.De la Cruz-Burelo, E.Deliot, F.Demarteau, M.Demina, R.Denisov, D.Denisov, S. P.Desai, S.Deterre, C.DeVaughan, K.Diehl, H. T.Diesburg, M.Ding, P. F.Dominguez, A.Dorland, T.Dubey, A.Dudko, L. V.Duggan, D.Duperrin, A.Dutt, S.Dyshkant, A.Eads, M.Edmunds, D.Ellison, J.Elvira, V. D.Enari, Y.Evans, H.Evdokimov, A.Evdokimov, V. N.Facini, G.Ferbel, T.Fiedler, F.Filthaut, F.Fisher, W.Fisk, H. E.Fortner, M.Fox, H.Fuess, S.Garcia-Bellido, A.Gavrilov, V.Gay, P.Geng, W.Gerbaudo, D.Gerber, C. E.Gershtein, Y.Ginther, G.Golovanov, G.Goussiou, A.Grannis, P. D.Greder, S.Greenlee, H.Greenwood, Z. D.Gregores, E. M.Grenier, G.Gris, PhGrivaz, J. -F.Grohsjean, A.Gruenendahl, S.Gruenewald, M. W.Guillemin, T.Guo, F.Gutierrez, G.Gutierrez, P.Haas, A.Hagopian, S.Haley, J.Han, L.Harder, K.Harel, A.Hauptman, J. M.Hays, J.Head, T.Hebbeker, T.Hedin, D.Hegab, H.Heinson, A. P.Heintz, U.Hensel, C.Heredia-De la Cruz, I.Herner, K.Hesketh, G.Hildreth, M. D.Hirosky, R.Hoang, T.Hobbs, J. D.Hoeneisen, B.Hohlfeld, M.Hubacek, Z.Huske, N.Hynek, V.Iashvili, I.Ilchenko, Y.Illingworth, R.Ito, A. S.Jabeen, S.Jaffre, M.Jamin, D.Jayasinghe, A.Jesik, R.Johns, K.Johnson, M.Johnston, D.Jonckheere, A.Jonsson, P.Joshi, J.Jung, A. W.Juste, A.Kaadze, K.Kajfasz, E.Karmanov, D.Kasper, P. A.Katsanos, I.Kehoe, R.Kermiche, S.Khalatyan, N.Khanov, A.Kharchilava, A.Kharzheev, Y. N.Kirby, M. H.Kohli, J. M.Kozelov, A. V.Kraus, J.Kulikov, S.Kumar, A.Kupco, A.Kurca, T.Kuzmin, V. A.Kvita, J.Lammers, S.Landsberg, G.Lebrun, P.Lee, H. S.Lee, S. W.Lee, W. M.Lellouch, J.Li, L.Li, Q. Z.Lietti, S. M.Lim, J. K.Lincoln, D.Linnemann, J.Lipaev, V. V.Lipton, R.Liu, Y.Liu, Z.Lobodenko, A.Lokajicek, Sa, R. LopesLubatti, H. J.Luna-Garcia, R.Lyon, A. L.Maciel, A. K. A.Mackin, D.Madar, R.Magana-Villalba, R.Malik, S.Malyshev, V. L.Maravin, Y.Martinez-Ortega, J.McCarthy, R.McGivern, C. L.Meijer, M. M.Melnitchouk, A.Menezes, D.Mercadante, P. G.Merkin, M.Meyer, A.Meyer, J.Miconi, F.Mondal, N. K.Muanza, G. S.Mulhearn, M.Nagy, E.Naimuddin, M.Narain, M.Nayyar, R.Neal, H. A.Negret, J. P.Neustroev, P.Novaes, S. F.Nunnemann, T.Obrant, G.Orduna, J.Osman, N.Osta, J.Otero y Garzon, G. J.Padilla, M.Pal, A.Parashar, N.Parihar, V.Park, S. K.Parsons, J.Partridge, R.Parua, N.Patwa, A.Penning, B.Perfilov, M.Peters, K.Peters, Y.Petridis, K.Petrillo, G.Petroff, P.Piegaia, R.Pleier, M. -A.Podesta-Lerma, P. L. M.Podstavkov, V. M.Polozov, P.Popov, A. V.Prewitt, M.Price, D.Prokopenko, N.Protopopescu, S.Qian, J.Quadt, A.Quinn, B.Rangel, M. S.Ranjan, K.Ratoff, P. N.Razumov, I.Renkel, P.Rijssenbeek, M.Ripp-Baudot, I.Rizatdinova, F.Rominsky, M.Ross, A.Royon, C.Rubinov, P.Ruchti, R.Safronov, G.Sajot, G.Salcido, P.Sanchez-Hernandez, A.Sanders, M. P.Sanghi, B.Santos, A. S.Savage, G.Sawyer, L.Scanlon, T.Schamberger, R. D.Scheglov, Y.Schellman, H.Schliephake, T.Schlobohm, S.Schwanenberger, C.Schwienhorst, R.Sekaric, J.Severini, H.Shabalina, E.Shary, V.Shchukin, A. A.Shivpuri, R. K.Simak, V.Sirotenko, V.Skubic, P.Slattery, P.Smirnov, D.Smith, K. J.Snow, G. R.Snow, J.Snyder, S.Soeldner-Rembold, S.Sonnenschein, L.Soustruznik, K.Stark, J.Stolin, V.Stoyanova, D. A.Strauss, M.Strom, D.Stutte, L.Suter, L.Svoisky, P.Takahashi, M.Tanasijczuk, A.Taylor, W.Titov, M.Tokmenin, V. V.Tsai, Y. -T.Tsybychev, D.Tuchming, B.Tully, C.Uvarov, L.Uvarov, S.Uzunyan, S.Van Kooten, R.van Leeuwen, W. M.Varelas, N.Varnes, E. W.Vasilyev, I. A.Verdier, P.Vertogradov, L. S.Verzocchi, M.Vesterinen, M.Vilanova, D.Vokac, P.Wahl, H. D.Wang, M. H. L. S.Warchol, J.Watts, G.Wayne, M.Weber, M.Welty-Rieger, L.White, A.Wicke, D.Williams, M. R. J.Wilson, G. W.Wobisch, M.Wood, D. R.Wyatt, T. R.Xie, Y.Xu, C.Yacoob, S.Yamada, R.Yang, W. -C.Yasuda, T.Yatsunenko, Y. A.Ye, Z.Yin, H.Yip, K.Youn, S. W.Yu, J.Zelitch, S.Zhao, T.Zhou, B.Zhu, J.Zielinski, M.Zieminska, D.Zivkovic, L.
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We present an updated measurement of the anomalous like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry A(sl)(b) for semileptonic b-hadron decays in 9.0 fb(-1) of p (p) over bar collisions recorded with the D0 detector at a center-of-mass energy of root s = 1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We obtain A(sl)(b) = (-0.787 +/- 0.172(stat) +/- 0.093(syst)%. This result differs by 3.9 standard deviations from the prediction of the standard model and provides evidence for anomalously large CP violation in semileptonic neutral B decay. The dependence of the asymmetry on the muon impact parameter is consistent with the hypothesis that it originates from semileptonic b-hadron decays.
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College of Science > Department of Physics > 1. Journal Articles


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