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Search for W' -> tb resonances with left- and right-handed couplings to fermions D0 Collaboration

Abazov, V. M.Abbott, B.Acharya, B. S.Adams, M.Adams, T.Alexeev, G. D.Alkhazov, G.Alton, A.Alverson, G.Alves, G. A.Ancu, L. S.Aoki, M.Arov, M.Askew, A.Asman, B.Atramentov, O.Avila, C.BackusMayes, J.Badaud, F.Bagby, L.Baldin, B.Bandurin, D. V.Banerjee, S.Barberis, E.Baringer, P.Barreto, J.Bartlett, J. F.Bassler, U.Bazterra, V.Beale, S.Bean, A.Begalli, M.Beget, M.Belanger-Champagne, C.Bellantoni, L.Beri, S. B.Bernardi, G.Bernhard, R.Bertram, I.Besancon, M.Beuselinck, R.Bezzubov, V. A.Bhat, Rc.Bhatnagar, V.Blazey, G.Blessing, S.Bloom, K. B. K.Boehnlein, A.Boline, D.Bolton, T. A.Boos, E. E.Borissov, G.Bose, T.Brandt, A.Brandt, O.Brock, R.Brooijmans, G.Bross, A.Brown, D.Brown, J.Bu, X. B.Buehler, M.Buescher, V.Bunichev, V.Burdin, S.Burnett, T. H.Buszello, C. P.Calpas, B.Camacho-Perez, E.Carrasco-Lizarraga, M. A.Casey, B. C. K.Castilla-Valdez, H.Chakrabarti, S.Chakraborty, D.Chan, K. M.Chandra, A.Chen, G.Chevalier-Thery, S.Cho, D. K.Cho, S. W.Choi, S.Choudhary, B.Christoudias, T.Cihangir, S.Claes, D.Clutter, J.Cooke, M.Cooper, W. E.Corcoran, M.Couderc, F.Cousinou, M. -C.Croc, A.Cutts, D.Das, A.Davies, G.De, Jong, S. J.De La Cruz-Burelo, E.Deliot, F.Demarteau, M.Demina, R.Denisov, D.Denisov, S. P.Desai, S.DeVaughan, K.Diehl, H. T.Diesburg, M.Dominguez, A.Dorland, T.Dubey, A.Dudko, L. V.Duggan, D.Duperrin, A.Dutt, S.Dyshkant, A.Eads, M.Edmunds, D.Ellison, J.Elvira, V. D.Enari, Y.Evans, H.Evdokimov, A.Evdokimov, V. N.Facini, G.Ferbel, T.Fiedlerx, F.Filthaut, F.Fisher, W.Fisk, H. E.Fortner, M.Fox, H.Fuess, S.Gadfort, T.Garcia-Bellido, A.Gavrilov, V.Gay, P.Geist, W.Geng, W.Gerbaudo, D.Gerber, C. E.Gershtein, Y.Ginther, G.Golovanov, G.Goussiou, A.Grannis, R. P.Greders, S.Greenlee, H.Greenwood, Z. D.Gregores, E. M.Grenier, G.Gris, Ph.Grivaz, J. -F.Grohsjean, A.Gruenendahl, S.Gruenewald, M. W.Guo, F.Gutierrez, G.Gutierrez, P.Haas, A.Hagopian, S.Haley, J.Han, L.Harder, K.Harel, A.Hauptman, J. M.Hays, J.Head, T.Hebbeker, T.Hedin, D.Hegab, H.Heinson, A. P.Heintz, U.Hensel, C.Heredia-De La Cruz, I.Herner, K.Hildreth, M. D.Hirosky, Ba. R.Hoang, T.Hobbs, J. D.Hoeneisen, B.Hohlfeld, M.Hossain, S.Hubacek, Z.Huske, N.Hynek, V.Lashvili, I.Illingworth, R.Ito, A. S.Jabeen, S.Jaffe, M.Jain, S.Jamin, D.Jesik, R.Johns, K.Johnson, M.Johnston, D.Jonckheere, A.Jonsson, P.Joshi, J.Juste, A.Kaadze, K.Kajfasz, E.Karmanov, D.Kasper, Ra.Katsanos, I.Kehoe, R.Kermiche, S.Khalatyan, N.Khanov, A.Kharchilava, A.Kharzheev, Y. N.Khatidze, D.Kirby, M. H.Kohli, J. M.Kozelov, A. V.Kraus, J.Kumar, A.Kupco, A.Kura, T.Kuzmin, V. A.Kvita, J.Lammers, S.Landsberg, G.Lebrun, P.Lee, H. S.Lee, S. W.Lee, W. M.Lellouch, J.Li, L.Li, Q. Z.Lietti, S. M.Lim, J. K.Lincoln, D.Linnemann, J.Lipaev, V. V.Lipton, R.Liu, Y.Liu, Z.Lobodenko, A.Lokajicek, M.Love, P.Lubatti, H. J.Luna-Garcia, R.Lyon, A. L.Maciel, A. K. A.Mackin, D.Madar, R.Magana-Villalba, R.Malik, S.Malyshev, V. L.Maravin, Y.Martinez-Ortega, J.McCarthy, R.McGivern, C. L.Meijer, M. M.Melnitchouk, A.Menezes, D.Mercadante, P. G.Merkin, M.Meyer, A.Meyer, J.Miconi, F.Mondal, N. K.Muanza, G. S.Mulhearn, M.Nagy, E.Naimuddin, M.Narain, M.Nayyar, R.Neal, H. A.Negret, J. P.Neustroev, R.Novaes, S. F.Nunnemann, T.Obrant, G.Orduna, J.Osman, N.Osta, J.Otero y Garzon, G. J.Owen, M.Padilla, M.Pangilinan, M.Parashar, N.Parihar, V.Park, S. K.Parsons, J.Partridge, R.Parua, N.Patwa, A.Penning, B.Perfilov, M.Peters, K.Peters, Y.Petrillo, G.Petroff, R.Piegaia, R.Piper, J.Pleier, M. -A.Podesta-Lerma, P. L. M.Podstavkov, V. M.Pol, M. -E.Polozov, R.Popov, A. V.Prewitt, M.Price, D.Protopopescu, S.Qian, J.Quadt, A.Quinn, B.Range, M. S.Ranjan, K.Ratoff, Rn.Razumov, I.Renkel, R.Rijssenbeek, M.Ripp-Baudot, I.Rizatdinova, F.Rominsky, M.Royon, C.Rubinov, R.Ruchti, R.Safronov, G.Sajot, G.Sanchez-Hernandez, A.Sanders, M. P.Sanghi, B.Santos, A. S.Savage, G.Sawyer, L.Scanlon, T.Schamberger, R. D.Scheglov, Y.Schellman, H.Schliephake, T.Schlobohm, S.Schwanenberger, C.Schwienhorst, R.Sekaric, J.Severini, H.Shabalina, E.Shary, V.Shchukin, A. A.Shivpuri, R. K.Simak, V.Sinthuprasith, T.Sirotenko, V.Skubic, R.Slattery, R.Smirnov, D.Smith, K. J.Snow, G. R.Snow, J.Snyder, S.Soldner-Rembold, S.Sonnenschein, L.Sopczak, A.Sosebee, M.Soustruznik, K.Spurlock, B.Stark, J.Stolin, V.Stoyanova, D. A.Strauss, M.Strom, D.Stutte, L.Suter, L.Svoisky, R.Takahashi, M.Tanasijczuk, A.Taylor, W.Titov, M.Tokmenin, V. V.Tsai, Y. -T.Tsybychev, D.Tuchming, B.Tully, C.Tuts, P. M.Uvarov, L.Uvarov, S.Uzunyan, S.Van Kooten, R.van Leeuwen, W. M.Varelas, N.Varnes, E. W.Vasilyev, I. A.Verdier, P.Vertogradov, L. S.Verzocchi, M.Vesterinen, M.Vilanova, D.Vint, R.Vokac, R.Wahl, H. D.Wang, M. H. L. S.Warchol, J.Watts, G.Wayne, M.Weber, M.Welty-Rieger, L.White, A.Wicke, D.Williams, M. R. J.Wilson, G. W.Wimpenny, S. J.Wobisch, M.Wood, D. R.Wyatt, T. R.Xie, Y.Xu, C.Yacoob, S.Yamada, R.Yang, W. -C.Yasuda, T.Yatsunenko, Y. A.Ye, Z.Yin, H.Yip, K.Youn, S. W.Yu, J.Zelitch, S.Zhao, T.Zhou, B.Zhu, J.Zielinski, M.Zieminska, D.Zivkovic, L.
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Wprime; Resonances; Top quark; Bottom quark; Left-right couplings
PHYSICS LETTERS B, v.699, no.3, pp.145 - 150
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We present a search for the production of a heavy gauge boson, W', that decays to third-generation quarks, by DO Collaboration in p (p) over bar) collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV. We set 95% confidence level upper limits on the production cross section times branching fraction. For the first time, we set limits for arbitrary combinations of left-and right-handed couplings of the W' boson to fermions. For couplings with the same strength as for the standard model W boson, we set the following limits, assuming that there are right-handed neutrinos nu(R) for all three generations with M(W') > m(nu(R)): M(W') > 863 GeV for purely left-handed couplings, M(W') > 885 GeV for purely right-handed couplings, and M(W') > 916 GeV if both left-and right-handed couplings are present. The limit for right-handed couplings improves for M(W') < m(nu(R)) to M(W') > 890 GeV. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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