Vertical Handoff Decision System based on Support Vector MachineVertical Handoff Decision System based on Support Vector Machine
- Other Titles
- Vertical Handoff Decision System based on Support Vector Machine
- Authors
- 오용; 유재학; 김태섭; 임치헌; 류승완; 조충호
- Issue Date
- 2011
- Publisher
- 한국통신학회
- Keywords
- Vertical Handoff Decision; Heterogeneous Wireless Networks; Pattern Recognition; Support Vector Machine
- Citation
- 한국통신학회논문지B, v.36, no.7, pp 771 - 779
- Pages
- 9
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 한국통신학회논문지B
- Volume
- 36
- Number
- 7
- Start Page
- 771
- End Page
- 779
- 1226-4717
- Abstract
- It is expected that many heterogeneous wireless systems, such as 3GPP LTE systems, WiMAX systems and WLAN systems, will coexist in the next generation wireless communication environments. Integrated radio resource management and seamless vertical handoff (VHO) should be supported to provide integrated communication services over multi-radio access networks. A new class of adaptive VHO system that views the handoff problem as a pattern recognition problem is proposed. In this paper, we propose a unified radio resource management (URRM) architecture and Support Vector Machine (SVM) based vertical handoff decision system.
Extensive simulation studies show the proposed VHO algorithm outperforms RSS based VHO algorithms in terms of throughput and service cost.
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Collections - College of Science and Technology > Department of Computer Convergence Software > 1. Journal Articles

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