Globalizing Business Ethics Research and the Ethical Need to Include the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Countries: Redefining the Global Triad as Business Systems and Institutions
- Authors
- Choi, Chong Ju; Kim, Sae Won; Kim, Jai Beom
- Issue Date
- Jun-2010
- Publisher
- Keywords
- bottom of pyramid; business systems; developing economies; ethics; global triad; institutions
- Citation
- JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, v.94, no.2, pp 299 - 306
- Pages
- 8
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 94
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 299
- End Page
- 306
- 10.1007/s10551-009-0258-y
- 0167-4544
- Abstract
- A majority of the countries in the world are still considered "developing," with a per capita income of less than U$1,000. Hahn (2008, Journal of Business Ethics 78, 711-721) recently proposed an ambitious business ethics research agenda for integrating the "bottom-of-the-pyramid" countries (Prahalad and Hart, 2002, Strategy and Competition 20, 2-14) through sustainable development and corporate citizenship. Hahn's work is among the growing field of research in comparative business ethics including the global business ethics index (Michalos, 2008, Journal of Business Ethics 79(1), 9-19; Scholtens and Dam, 2008, Journal of Business Ethics 75(3), 273-284; Tsalikis and Seaton, 2008, Journal of Business Ethics 75(3), 229-238). This article is complementary to Hahn's work and it advocates an urgent need for business ethics researchers to globally integrate the bottom-of-the-pyramid countries through a fundamental re-definition of the global economic triad, including the United States, Western Europe, and Japan [Ohmae, 1985, Triad Power: The Coming Shape of Global Competition (New York: Free Press)]. The definition that we propose is based on business systems and institutional perspectives that include the bottom-of-the-pyramid countries. We also propose to broaden the research in business ethics to enable comparisons across business systems indifferent income levels.
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