Role Based Petri Net : 공격 시나리오의 효율적 설계를 위한 역할 기반 표현 모델Role Based Petri-Net : Role Based Expression Model for an Efficient Design of Attack Scenarios
- Other Titles
- Role Based Petri-Net : Role Based Expression Model for an Efficient Design of Attack Scenarios
- Authors
- 박준식; 조재익; 문종섭
- Issue Date
- 2010
- Publisher
- 한국정보보호학회
- Keywords
- Petri Net; Security; Design; Analysis; RBAC; Petri Net; Security; Design; Analysis; RBAC
- Citation
- 정보보호학회논문지, v.20, no.1, pp.123 - 128
- Indexed
- Journal Title
- 정보보호학회논문지
- Volume
- 20
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 123
- End Page
- 128
- 1598-3986
- Abstract
- Graph expression of attack scenarios is a necessary method for analysis of vulnerability in server as well as the design for defence against attack. Although various requirement analysis model are used for this expression, they are restrictive to express combination of complex scenarios. Role Based Petri Net suggested in this paper offer an efficient expression model based role on Petri Net which has the advantage of concurrency and visuality and can create unknown scenarios.
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